We know summer is heating up, but is a "sex boom" upon us? Is the friskiest time of the year staying true to its mission?
It would appear that way. According to eharmony's Dating Diaries research, nearly a quarter of Gen Z singles are getting particularly busy this season, so now might be a time to have a little lookie at sexperts' favorite sex positions for the summer—surefire positions to help keep you cool even when temperatures (and activities) get hot.
"Holding back is too restrictive and inauthentic, and Gen Z daters are all about being authentic, present, and liberated. And this attitude extends to the bedroom," says Laurel House, eharmony dating expert. "And while the free-loving fluidity leads Gen Z daters to have more interesting sex, they also maintain their authentic and intuitive feelings. The sex isn’t frivolous and thoughtless, it’s fun and fearless but still with presence and dedication."
Here's the reason behind the boom—and how to stay safe during any forthcoming intimate moments.
Is Gen Z experiencing a 'sex boom'?
Despite reports that sex has slowed down for many age groups around the time of the pandemic, eharmony experts argue that a sex boom is upon Gen Z, and it's likely for a number of reasons.
According to the brand's research, expirationships are also on the rise during the warm-weather months, as singles want a partner to travel with and someone they can turn to for a physical connection. Those who are entering a relationship effect—which eharmony defines as new couples getting all consumed in their romance and disregarding family and friends—could also get swept up in passionate moments.
All that's to say is the boom has officially imploded if you were still curious.
"In an environment of safety, daters are more at ease to let down their guards and get a little crazy. It’s similar to the Vacation Relationship attitude," House says. "Vacation Relationships are also very vacuum-centric and more wild and carefree when daters sexually explore and test their limits, because on vacation they are more apt to try new things, have more fun, and live fully in the moment."
Important things to note about the 'sex boom'
While pegged as a liberating trend, it does not mean that singles are allowed to disregard safety: consent, comfort, and protection are still absolutely essential.
"When it comes to staying safe during unplanned intimate moments, make sure all parties involved are willing and enthusiastic," Aliyah Moore, Ph.D., a certified sex therapist previously told My Imperfect Life "Discuss boundaries, desires, and necessary precautions beforehand for a consensual and safe experience."
If you find the boom to be intriguing but still want to know how to stay prepared in the process, have a look at what our sexperts had to say about spontaneous sex—from prep work to its pros and cons. And though there's a sex boom, don't forget about solo sex options, either: these tried and tested sex toys are worthy of some space in your nightstand.