A former keep fit fanatic threatened to stab and shoot a pub regular, held up an off licence at knifepoint and vowed to rape the mothers and girlfriends of police after he went on a lager and Jack Daniels fuelled rampage.
Later, after ex-gym disciple Samuel Tinker, 32, had sobered up and was shown CCTV footage of his hour long violence spree, he confessed: ''I was so hammered - if I did it, I did it.'' Tinker, a groundsman, had got drunk at his local before turning on a fellow tippler at random saying: “what the f**k are you looking at. I’m not a f*****g muppet, I’ll stab, slash, and shoot you.”
He then left the premises and staggered to a nearby store where attempted to steal Jack Daniels mixer cans from the shelves. When confronted by an assistant, Tinker threatened him with a craft knife saying: “I am English - you’re a f*****g Iraqi, Iranian or Pakistani.''
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When police arrived at the scene in Mossley, Tinker called one officer a ''daft c***'' and told his colleagues: ''I'm gonna rape your mothers and girlfriends.'' He even told a second officer: ''What you are looking at it Mr Abu Dhabi P**i?” whilst being processed at the police station. He later admitted being a ''pathologically aggressive and racist bully boy'' when in drink.
At Minshull Street Crown Court, Tinker, from Mossley, was jailed for 30 months after he admitted attempted robbery, possession of a bladed article, a public order offence and two counts of causing racially aggravated alarm or distress.
Miss Harriet Tighe, prosecuting, said, “At around 8pm on the 23rd of February, the defendant was drinking at The Commercial, in Mossley. He was talking to the barmaid when he turned around to face another man, Scott Rigby, and said, 'what’s your f*****g problem?'. Rigby responded saying, 'I don’t even know who you are.'”

“Tinker shouted back, I’m not a f*****g muppet, I’ll stab, slash, and shoot you. Get your hands out your f*****g pockets. Mr Rigby was fearful at this point and called the police. However, in the meantime, the defendant moved onto the Raja’s Premier store down the road from The Commercial.
“The complainant, Abdul Satar, was working in the store at that time, having only started work there the week before. He was working alone when the defendant came in and made his way towards the alcohol fridge.
''Mr Satar, who was watching the defendant on CCTV, noticed that he had taken two Jack Daniels whisky mixer cans and put them in his back pack. Satar approached the defendant and stood between him and the exit.
"He then asked him to return the cans to the fridge but the defendant refused. Both parties then walked towards the till whilst Satar again asked for the cans to be returned. The defendant then responded saying that he had no money and that he wanted them for free.
“Although he said he would not leave the shop without the items, he eventually handed them back. However, after doing so he shouted: ''I'm English, you’re f*****g Iraqi, Iranian or Pakistani.'' He then punched the plastic screen on the till and pulled a knife from his pocket.
''He opened it part way, revealing a blade, and held it above the counter. He threatened Mr Satar saying, See this. I am not leaving without the cigarettes and money from the till.
''At that point, the police came into the shop and arrested the defendant after they were earlier tipped off from people at The Commercial that the defendant had gone to the shop. PC Cartledge, who was in attendance, noticed the defendant place a silver knife in his pocket with his left pocket as he was being apprehended.
"The officer took the knife, finding it to be a 6-inch Stanley knife with its blade locked in place.
“The defendant continued to be abusive as he was being arrested, calling PC Kershaw a daft c**t. He was also heard saying he was going to rape the mothers and girlfriends of the officers attending. When the defendant was being searched at the Ashton custody suite, he said: ''What are you looking at, to PC Wheeler.
''PC Wheeler suspected he had said this to him due to his race and this suspicion was confirmed when the defendant called him: ''Mr Abu Dhabi and a P**i.”
In a statement PC Wheeler said, “I understand people will say and do things in this job, but Mr Tinker used this language to make my life difficult, belittle and racially profile me. He used these words without hesitation. He didn’t seem to care how he used those words and in what way.”
Tinker, of Waterton Lane, had a history of violent offences on his record including battery, criminal damage and assault. He also served a 2-year sentence for ABH back in 2018.
Neil Ronan, defending said, “The fulcrum of my submissions is that he is a bullyboy, pathologically aggressive and racist - but only when he is in drink. He was mortified when he saw the video of what the drunk man did. When he was showed the video he said, I was so hammered, if I did it I did it. He is embarrassed and ashamed and does not recognise the person in the video.
''The defendant has come to the realisation that he is an alcoholic. He has done conflict courses and other detox programs with the view of extricating alcohol from his life. His partner is a specialist mental health nurse but he is the main breadwinner for her and his two step children, aged 8 and 5. She is now worried because she is having to scrimp and save because of his behaviour.”
In sentencing, the judge Mr Recorder Imran Shafi KC told Tinker: ''In the cold light of day and sobriety this all must be embarrassing for you but can you imagine if someone said these kinds of things about your mother or partner. I think you ought to recognise the man in the video because it's not the first time this has happened.”
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