I always preferred the Paper Mario games to the main instalments. There's just something about that trad craft aesthetic that never gets old. And now that I've discovered what might just be the most adorable corner of the internet, I might even venture to say I also prefer paper iPhones to the real thing.
YouTuber FishFillet creates 'paper diy' videos in which seemingly rudimentary paper versions of various objects including Apple products are 'unboxed' – and they've already unboxed the iPhone 16. (For the lowdown on the real thing, check out our iPhone 16 Pro review.)
And it turns out FishFillet doesn't only create iPhones. In a video from last year, they've gone as far as Apple Watches and MacBooks – complete with all the requisite accessories. There's something delightfully satisfying about seeing Apple's paper documentation recreated to look just a little more shabby, complete with pen 'squiggles' for text. And with over 4M views on the video below, it's clear I'm not alone in loving the aesthetic.
Indeed, in a world of glass rectangles and screens, there'll always be a place for paper – particularly when it comes as part of a beautiful notebook. With that in mind, take a look at our roundup of the best Moleskine notebook Prime Day deals.