Navigating the world of parenthood is not an easy task, and many parents will be familiar with the feeling of being judged by friends, family and peers. Whether it be deciding to breastfeed, co-sleep or use a dummy, every single decision you make as a mother or father is scrutinised by others.
For people living with a disability, becoming a parent comes with more prejudices and strong public opinions. But using a wheelchair or having a guide dog does not make you any less of a competent and amazing parent than someone who doesn't - it just means the challenges you face may be different.

Writing for the Mirror on Mother's Day, Dr Amy Kavanagh talks through the obstacles that shaped her pregnancy and parenthood...
Being a blind mum is full of challenges, but the obstacles I face are probably not what you would expect.
I was born visually impaired, seeing the world through a fuzzy bubble is my normal. I'm a disability activist and using social media I share my experiences of navigating life as a blind Londoner.
At work, I support organisations to become more accessible by recognising the barriers that disabled people face.
As a disabled person, even a trip to the supermarket can require military precision planning and quick-thinking when I face unexpected obstacles - it has been excellent training for parenthood.
Right from the beginning even reading my pregnancy test result was tricky, I had to rely on an app that took a photo and read out 'pregnant' in an electronic voice!
Becoming a parent has been an amazing new adventure, made possible by the support of my incredible partner and my diva retriever Guide Dog Ava.
I'm now a proud Mum of a three-and-a-half-month-old baby boy, and of course I think he's perfect. I know I'm biased, but he does have a lot of fluffy blonde hair which always gets compliments!
As all new mums know every day is a rollercoaster, from being in awe at his latest new skill, overwhelmed with love during a cuddle to the exhausting long bedtime managing nappies and feeding.

I've definitely faced some unexpected issues, like working out how to administer the correct dose of Calpol when I can't read the measurements, or matching up the poppers on a sleepsuit.
However, there are always solutions. I've scratched a mark on the Calpol syringe so I can feel where to plunge and I've bought babygrows with zips!
The real challenges I face are the negative expectations or stereotypes people think about me as a blind parent.
When announcing my pregnancy on Twitter, I got multiple comments asking how I could even get pregnant as a blind person.
Although I think it's a worrying reflection on the quality of biology lessons, it does reveal wider views about disabled people being parents.
Twice people have been surprised that my son is my baby, even when I've been holding him or pushing the pram.
I've also been questioned about how I can safely look after my baby which has been hurtful. The answer is simple, I use my other senses.
Nappies smell, babies are very loud and a cuddle is loving whether your eyes work or not.
I also have my fantastic Guide Dog Ava who gives me so much confidence and independence.
Ava has become a rather bossy big sister, she's very gentle with the baby but she's quick to give me a nudge when he cries or drops his toys.
It's a lot of work for anyone getting out of the house with a newborn, I just have a couple of extra adaptations.
I use a baby carrier or sling a lot so my hands are free to hold Ava's harness and check my surroundings.

When we do use the pram I pull it to the side or behind me. This means that Ava can guide us without the pram blocking her view. Normally Guide Dogs aren't trained to work with prams.
Ava has adapted so well, we've not had a single bump and I can go to baby groups independently with her by my side.
The biggest challenge I face as a blind mum is being refused access because of Ava.
It has been illegal to refuse access to a business or service to a blind person and their guide dog for over 25 years, but it still happens regularly.
Ava is my eyes and she is the reason I can be an independent parent. However, I'm constantly worried I won't be allowed into children's activities with my guide dog.
At our eight-week mum and baby check the health visitor left the room and wouldn't do the appointment because Ava was with me.
I complained to the NHS trust and have now received excellent care, but it was horrible to be discriminated against.
The truth is not being able to see isn't the challenge I face, I can hear my baby giggle, I can feel if he's warm or cold, I can sing his favourite nursery rhyme and take him out to the park like any other mum.
The real issue is having to struggle against people's prejudices and challenging society's expectations.
All new parents need a bit of help! What support am I asking for? Well I just want people to recognise that blind mums exist and we can do a fantastic job as long as society is a bit more inclusive.
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