There are plenty of techniques which can cut down the amount of time you spend at the gym, and one of the best is a finisher. These are short routines with minimal rest that develop muscular endurance, improve your cardio fitness and boost your metabolism.
I love the burn I get in my muscles after completing one—it's a sure sign I’ve worked hard. Here is one of my favorite finishers programmed by my personal trainer Will Duru, which targets the back, arms, legs and core. It's a great all-rounder.
Two-move finisher
This two-move finisher takes around 10 minutes. However, if you’re in a rush you can reduce the number of rounds and reps to suit how long you have. I repeated the circuit five times with no break.
Choose a kettlebell you can press overhead without it feeling too easy, but if you're pressing it upwards with gritted teeth, you've gone too heavy.
1. Plate bent-over row into round the world
Reps: 4
- Holding a weight plate in both hands, hinge forward at the hips, keeping a flat back and letting your arms hang down.
- Engage your back and core and pull the plate to your chest, pause, then lower the plate under control.
- Pull the plate to your chest one more time then lower under control.
- Push your hips forward to return to standing.
- Raise the weight plate over one shoulder, round the back of your head and over the other shoulder.
- Repeat in the opposite direction.
2. Low static lunge with kettlebell press
Reps: 8 each side
- Stand with a kettlebell resting on your left forearm in front of your left shoulder.
- Engage your core and step forward with your left foot and bend both knees to lower.
- Ensure your left knee is directly above your left ankle and your right knee hovers just above the floor.
- Press the kettlebell overhead, then lower under control.
- Continue pressing the kettlebell overhead, holding the lunge.
- Return to standing once you've completed all the reps and repeat on the other side.