Three Hunter schools are on the list of public schools with the most improved 2023 HSC results.
The Department of Education acknowledged Cessnock, Swansea and Hunter River high schools for their academic achievements.
Improvements refer to the top two bands, bands five and six for HSC standard courses and E3 and E4 for extension courses, and top three bands, four to six for standard courses and E2-E4 for extension.
Cessnock High School improved in the top three bands after focusing on subject selection from Year 11 and a specific senior learning area. Students were able to access study skills and extra-curricular mentoring sessions.
Swansea High School increased its two band results with a strong cultural shift towards high expectations.
The school said it focused on teaching quality and student growth, which it had also extended to local partner primary schools.
Hunter River High School made the most-improved list in 2022 and again in 2023, with results in the top three bands.
The school said it tailored students' study to individual aspirations and abilities, while offering high levels of teaching and resources support.
NSW has 2217 public schools with more than 800,000 students including about 330,000 high school students.
Department of Education secretary Murat Dizdar congratulated the schools on the list.
"These are outstanding results, not only for our schools, but our staff, students and their communities," Mr Dizdar said.
"These achievements do not happen in isolation".
"It is the collective efforts of a whole school community to provide outstanding learning experiences in every classroom that challenges and grows our students."