A self-confessed 'immature' mum admits she thought this pear looked so much like a penis that she was compelled to buy it - despite not even liking the fruit. Danii Pascoe discovered the rudely-shaped piece of fruit while shopping in Sainsbury's.
The 28-year-old had been shopping with younger sister Lauren, 21, when the pair were left in fits of giggles after the phallic-shaped piece of fruit caught their eye. Despite admitting she isn't a fan of the fruit, artist Danii found the 80p pear so hilarious she decided to buy it anyway to show it off to husband Jamie, 29 - who also branded her 'immature'.
Danii, from Chard, Somerset, said: "I'm very immature. I saw it in the shop and I just had to buy it. I spent 80p just to get a photo of it. It's appearance just caught my eye. We thought it was hilarious. We had a right giggle in the shop. It just looks like a penis, it's very bulbous on the end and then long and thin. I thought if I didn't take it home then my husband wouldn't believe me. I sent him a photo and he told me I'm immature."
After displaying the pear in a fruit bowl for a few days, Danii eventually threw it in the bin. Danii said: "I didn't eat it, it sat in the fruit bowl for a bit then I binned it. It was 80p for a photo but it gave us a laugh."
The mum-of-two shared a photo of the pear on Facebook where more than 2,000 people reacted and some shared photos of rudely shaped fruit and veg they'd found themselves. Danii, who has Isla, seven, and 18-month-old son, Archer, said: "Lots of people have posted photos of vegetable they've found that look like penises. There were loads and people found it really funny."