Arran, 10, asks: how long do blobfish live for?
1 year
10 years
100 years
1,000 years
Hazel, 4, asks: how are crayons made?
Crayons are made out of crayfish
Crayons are made by blending plants with flowers, mixing them up carefully and rolling them into crayon shapes
Take some wax, melt it, add colour, then pour it into a crayon-shaped mould. And voilà – you have a crayon!
The Crayon Fairy makes crayons using all her most magical powers
Martha, 5, asks: why do bunnies have underground homes?
Because daylight makes bunnies feel unwell, so they have to hide in burrows deep underground
Because it helps bunnies to protect themselves and their young from harsh weather and predators
Because bunnies like to eat soil
They don’t have underground homes! Bunnies sleep in nests high up in trees
Jack Arthur, 5, asks: what do you find on the planet Uranus?
Huge oceans where alien fish like to swim
A mountainous landscape of grey rock and dark black lakes
Wide, empty deserts of red sand
Water, methane and ammonia above a small rocky core
Pearl, 8, asks: what is the most popular fabric in the world?
1:C - Researchers aren’t sure of the exact lifespan of blobfish because these creatures live so deep in the ocean. However, it’s thought that blobfish live for more than 100 years (possibly up to 130 years) because they don’t have predators, and because they grow slowly., 2:C - Crayons begin as blocks of wax with no colour. The wax is heated until it melts, then colour is added, often with clay to thicken it. Machines pump this mixture into moulds, where it hardens into crayons., 3:B - Most species of rabbit live in underground homes called burrows, a network of tunnels in the ground. There they are out of reach from potential predators, and can keep warm and dry., 4:D - Uranus is a very cold and windy planet, with no true surface – you wouldn’t be able to land a spaceship there as it’s mostly a mass of swirling fluids, according to Nasa. Much of the planet’s mass is made up of a fluid that contains water, ammonia and methane, above a small rocky core., 5:A - It is cotton! It’s light, soft and breathable, and humans have been making clothes out of it since 5500BC.
5 and above.
4 and above.
3 and above.
2 and above.
0 and above.
1 and above.
Molly Oldfield hosts Everything Under the Sun, a weekly podcast answering children’s questions, out now as a book.
Does your child have a question? Submit one here