Fortnite's latest Spring Breakout quest has you perform the extremely important task of improving road safety for chickens by placing a selection of Chicken Crossing signs throughout the map.
The Fortnite Spring Breakout event – which launched alongside Fortnite update 24.10 – rages on today. The latest quest tasks you with helping protect the chickens of Fortnite from further harm by placing Chicken Crossing signs at specific points around the map. You need to place a total of four signs in one of two areas – Kenjutsu crossing, or Frenzy Fields (as these are the areas chickens are most at risk, obviously).
You can spread them between the two locations however you like, but it'll probably make life significantly easier for you to choose one an get all four sighs up there. You can't just place them willy nilly, however; there are particular points at which you need to plant Chicken Crossing signs in the two areas, which we'll delve into below.
What's special about this Day 9 quest is that rather than getting XP upon completion, like you would in most other Fortnite Spring Breakout quests – like the Day 8 challenge to give a hire and command a Fornite Specialist Character – you'll receive an extremely cursed hot dog-themed loading screen for your troubles.
Where to find Fortnite Chicken Crossing Signs
You can actually find the Fornite Chicken Crossing signs in the areas that they need to be planted in – so Frenzy Fields and Kenjutsu Crossing. The incredibly specific areas within these two locations where you can find the Chicken Crossing signs are marked on the map below:
Once you arrive at these locations, have a peek at your mini map. You should see a white exclamation mark icon that points you to the exact spots to plant the Chicken Crossing signs. Like we said earlier, it's a lot easier to complete this quest by staying within one of the named locations, so we recommend picking one and dropping the four signs in their designated areas.
How to plant Chicken Crossing Signs in Fortnite
When you're in the designated area, you should see the a silhouette of a sign. You can just walk up to it and hold the action button – which for each platform using default controls is as follows:
PlayStation: Square
Xbox: X
Once you've done that the sign should appear. Repeat this herculean feat three more times and the weird hot dog loading screen is yours to enjoy for the rest of your Fortnite career.
That wraps up the Spring Breakout Day 9 quest. You can still complete these quests up until the event ends, which is set to be on Tuesday, April 11.