MOOD tea
why is such a game changer.
MOOD tea is a social enterprise that launched back in early 2021 with the goal of actively helping young folks struggling with their mental health. It does this in two ways — the teas are made with ingredients that are known to have positive benefits, and all profits go towards funding youth mental health projects.
If you’re a disciple of chamomile, earl grey or peppermint, MOOD tea is now available across 865 Woolworths stores across the country, meaning there’s never been a better time to switch up your routine.
Chris Freel, CEO of UnLtd and MOOD says that the expansion of the product into Woolworths will “have a flow-on effect to help even more young lives who benefit from their charity partner programs,” which we absolutely love to see. Since its launch, MOOD’s profits have gone towards front-line mental health support systems such as batyr, The Sebastian Foundation and BackTrack.
Each tea features unique ingredients aimed to help improve your mood. Like Ashwagandha Root to reduce stress, Siberian Ginseng to promote mental alertness and Skullcap Root to promote sleep.
We’ve had a packet of the ‘Get On Up’ pineapple and cinnamon flavour on rotation here in the PEDESTRIAN.TV office, and I can attest to the fact that it . Seriously, it tastes like a drinkable hot cross bun, not to mention the packaging is absolutely as well.
Early last year, ahead of MOOD’s launch to chat about why raising mental health awareness amongst young folks is so important.
“Whilst there is still a lot of work to be done, young people are leading the way in embracing openness and vulnerability when it comes to sharing their mental health journeys. We want to normalise talking about mental health – it shouldn’t be any different to talking about your physical health,” she said.
You can , and a box of ten will only set you back $7, making it inflation-budget-friendly and a generous addition to your weekly shop.
we sat down with founder Jenni Hayward suss out the range online If you need mental health support, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or chat online . Under 25? You can reach Kids Helpline at 1800 55 1800 or chat online. If you require immediate assistance, please call 000.
The post Here’s How You Can Help Out Young Aussies’ Mental Health Journeys With Yr 3pm Cuppa Tea appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .