Prince Louis is adorable and a huge personality, but his parents might have been a little worried about how he might fare during a solemn event like this past weekend's Coronation. Of course, it's not easy for any five-year-old to sit still and quiet for extended periods of time.
But Prince William and Princess Kate made use of their many positive parenting tricks to help Louis and his siblings get through the day, and it seems like everything went more than smoothly.
"William and Kate still used regular touch rituals to check in with their children and offer small moments of reassurance and encouragement," body language expert Judi James told The Sun.
"Kate could be seen keeping a very subtle eye on Louis during the ceremony, and offering him motivational 'reward' touches of affection when he did something right.
"There were no signs from either parent of catastrophizing or over-dramatizing that would have built tension."
During the day of service with the scouts on Monday, William and Kate continued on their streak of enjoying their time with their kids without becoming stressed or overwhelmed—which James explained is super important for the children to feel secure.
"Kate and William showed signals of confidence in their children—and that confidence more than paid off," the expert said.
"Their own body language was vital; they presented as calm, happy and tightly bonded as a couple, and seemed to have suppressed any signals of anxiety or tension that might have been transferred to the children."
She added, "William and Kate watched their children subtly and without fuss or signs of pre-emptive telling-off, allowing Charlotte and Louis in particular to enjoy themselves without catching any sense of tension."
For the Big Help Out, the Wales family visited the 3rd Upton Scout Group in Slough, near their Windsor home base, and got stuck into a bunch of scout-appropriate activities, including shooting bows and arrows and roasting marshmallows. All three kids seemed to be having a great time, but especially Prince Louis: The little boy experienced so much joy while eating s'mores on the day.