Jaipur (Rajasthan): Amid the surge in demand for electricity due to prevailing heatwaves, the Energy Minister of Rajasthan, Hiralal Nagar has instructed all the officers and employees of the Electricity Department to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the state.
He instructed officials to ensure adequate power supply to meet increasing demand while addressing outages promptly.
He also asked the officials to continuously monitor the efforts to resolve the electricity issues during the summer season and ensure coordination between the departments.
He instructed the officials to take the necessary steps to ensure smooth power supply during peak hours.
Nagar conveyed the reasons behind the inconvenience and outages.
He stated that efforts are being made to meet the additional demands, as in upcoming days, the 1500 MW (megawatt) power plant which was in operational earlier, will now become functional.
Nagar said, "In view of the rising electricity demand, we have cancelled leaves and instructed officials not to leave the headquarters without prior notice to meet the demands and ensure smooth power supply.
We have informed them regarding the need to ensure uninterrupted power supply over the state, especially in rural areas."
He added due to severe heatwaves and soaring temperatures, the electricity demand has surged 20 per cent.
He also directed officials to widely circulate the helpline numbers and all complaints will be resolved promptly in a time-bound manner.