AHMEDABAD: The RBI State Data Handbook for 2019-20 ranked Gujarat number one in India in per capita net state domestic product (NSDP) at Rs 3. 03 lakh which was nearly double than the national average of Rs 1. 51 lakh.
The industrially developed and rich state, however, scored poorly in human indices as it was found to have second highest 39. 7% underweight children under five years of age, according to National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-5 report released recently. Bihar, with 41% of 0-5 children surveyed found underweight, ranked the worst. In stunting and wasting too Gujarat ranked 4th and 2nd worst.
An analysis of the ratio of the states’ GDP vis a vis underweight or malnourished kids found Gujarat with 16% more malnourishment than expected considering its high GDP.
State has 16% more malnourished kids than expected
An analysis of the ratio of the states’ GDP vis a vis underweight or malnourished kids found Gujarat with 16% more malnourishment than expected considering its high GDP. Maharashtra (12%) and Jharkhand (10%) rank second and third in an analysis by public health experts.
In a bid to address the malnourishment challenge, the state machinery yet again attempted to eradicate undernourishment — this time through Vachan (Vital Actions for Child Health and Nutrition) initiative launched by health minister Rushikesh Patel on Thursday in Ahmedabad district. Earlier, the state BJP had launched ‘Suposhan Abhiyaan’ in March wherein the BJP workers were asked to identify and adopt a malnourished child. In May, the state BJP president gave a 90-day ultimatum to the workers to work in the area of malnutrition through ‘nutritious food and 100 ml milk’ daily.
According to NFHS-5, Gujarat had 39.7% kids below 5 years under survey who were found to have much below weight-for-age ratio. Bihar was first at 41% whereas other states in the top five included Jharkhand (39.4%), Maharashtra (36.1%) and Madhya Pradesh (33%).
Malnourishment has been acause of worry in the state for long as the NFHS-4 too, which was conducted in 2015-16, had reported 39.3% kids as underweight against the national average of 35.7%. Gujarat was second only to Uttar Pradesh that had reported 39.5% underweight kids.
The Lancet report 'The Bur- den of Child and Maternal Malnutrition and Trends in its Indicators in the States of India: The Global Burden of Disease Study 1990-2017' had also put Gujarat at the top in child wasting and sixth in child stunting among Indian states.
Prof Dileep Mavalankar, director of IIPH Gandhinagar (IIPH-G), said that malnutrition is a multi-pronged pro- blem involving maternal health, food intake in the initial year and balanced diet.
“It’s often seen that the food takes a back seat when the household – especially in the economically weaker section – plans a budget. Whatever is left after all other expenses such as rent, transport, fuel, etc. is given to food. It undermines the quality and quantity of the diet,” he said, adding that with food inflation around 8.4% today, it means that other things remaining the same, the household would spend nearly 10% less on diet.
Dr Nishchal Bhatt, former president of the Academy of Pediatrics (AoP), Gujarat, said that lack of awareness is a major factor. “The duration of breastfeeding is going down across the classes, which is one of the factors. The understanding of nutrition is also low, and we see many mothers depending on readily available food rather than homemade slurry and other foods at least in the initial years to meet the requirements. The child needs much more protein than our general intake,” he said.
Dr Shrey Desai, trustee of SEWA Rural and Jhaghadia, said that the tribal areas report acute malnutrition. “We have taken the approach to address it through young mothers. The girls face malnutrition issues when they conceive, and thus the chances of an underweight child are higher. Thus, we havehave started focusing on the women to both nourish and educate them ,” he said. Manoj Aggarwal, ACS (health & family welfare), said that post-Covid, the state government has strengthened the programmes related to nutrition across the state.