Back in June, the Bottom Dollar Bounties was released for GTA Online. One of the things that players had to do was to offer off-the-books assistance to LSPD officer Vincent Effenburger with Dispatch Work. This week you get more motivation to do that with the addition of two new Law Enforcement Vehicles. These are the Vapid Dominator FX Interceptor and Declasse Impaler LX Cruiser.
The Vapid Dominator FX Interceptor is probably what comes to mind when you think about a law enforcement vehicle, and you'd be right. This cool muscle car from the '80s has been refitted for hot pursuit and is surely built to last. The Declasse Impaler LX Cruiser meanwhile is seen as the cornerstone of the LSPD. That's because it's a workhorse with decades of experience under its belt while there's also plenty going on under the hood. It goes without saying that its reputation is a mile long.
To unlock these two vehicles, you'll need to finish the Slush Fund as part of The Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid as leader. Once that's done you can then buy it from Warstock Cache & Carry. By the way, if you manage to complete Malicious Mischief and Civil Disturbance as part of Dispatch Work, you can also unlock their respective trade prices.
Low-Key Work
By now, a lot of players surely know just how sick to his stomach Vincent is when it comes to the corruption of the LSPD. There's more to Dispatch Work this week than the two new law enforcement vehicles. That's because those who finish one Dispatch Work Job get to receive a GTA$100,000 bonus. Finishing three anytime within the week lets you get another extra GTA$100,000. Finally, completing six Dispatch Work Jobs fulfills the Weekly Challenge, which means another GTA$100,000.
The Showrooms
This week, there's a wide range of vehicles up on display at the Premium Deluxe Motorsport Showroom. Simeon Yetarian has these on display:
- Överflöd Entity XF (Super, 30% off)
- Coil Brawler (Off-Road)
- Pegassi Esskey (Motorcycle)
- Vapid Contender (SUV)
- Obey 9F (Sports)
Meanwhile, the Luxury Autos Showroom has the Bollokan Envisage (Sports) and Enus Paragon S (Sports) on display.
See what else is happening this week here. GTA Online is available for the PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.