Plant vehicles and ground workers were digging deep this week as construction work commenced on the new £80 million Perth High School.
The state-of-the-art Passivhaus development is being built on the western section of the existing school grounds on Oakbank Road with the current building to be demolished after its completion.
Pupils will continue being taught in the current school building, built in 1971, during the construction process.
The new school is projected to be up and running in summer 2025 after planning permission was approved in March 2022.
PKC’s largest school has a roll of around 1600 pupils and employs 139 members of staff.
Costs for the school escalated from a previously approved budget of £50m to £68.7m, then to £80.2m - half of which will be met by the Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Investment Programme.
Councillors at the learning and families committee met on December 21 faced a difficult choice over whether or not to pause the project as the council faces a funding gap of over £28 million over the next three years.

But there was a fear delaying the project could result in the cost of building a much-needed new school rising further.
Officers recommended councillors proceed with the project.
The current Oakbank Road building is over 50 years old and has been used beyond its design life. It has been rated “C” or “poor” for suitability.
The council has spent £3.2 million maintaining the building over the past three years.
In response to a query over a timeline for the project, a Perth and Kinross Council spokesperson said: “It is anticipated that the building works will be completed and the new school building operational in summer 2025 with associated landscaping works due to be finished the following year.”
Moving to proceed with the rebuild in December, SNP councillor Rebbeck said: “I am pleased to move this paper.
“Perth High School has been a priority for the SNP group and will provide a state-of-the-art learning environment to the largest cohort of pupils and staff in Perth and Kinross.
“The new building designed to Passivhaus standards will not only achieve energy efficiency but will attract £40.6 million of Scottish Government funding.
“I am also delighted to confirm that a space within the new Perth High School will be named in honour of the late education and children’s services convener Bob Band.”