Dumbarton’s Crosslet House Care Home has received a glowing report from inspectors.
Following an unannounced visit last month, the Care Inspectorate published their findings - with the West Dunbartonshire Council facility rated as ‘very good’, earning praise from residents for their community programme.
On a scale of one to six, Crosslet House received ‘very good’ ratings of five for how they support residents’ wellbeing and the strength of their leadership.
Inspectors spoke to residents, staff and family members of those living in the home’s care during their two day visit before Christmas.
In the report, the Care Inspectorate say: “The staff team knew residents very well, even though there was some reliance on agency staff.
“The management team were embracing ‘Open with Care’ guidance and peoples’ health needs were escalated to other health professionals when needed.”
The report adds: ‘The staff team worked hard to ensure the care home was kept extremely clean and the links with the local primary school were very good.’

Inspectors observed; ‘lots of warm and friendly interactions between staff, residents, and visitors which created a really homely atmosphere.’
The report continues: ‘One person told us, “The staff are all great, we have a good laugh together.”
‘A relative told us, “The staff have been incredible for my relative, and during the Covid period they really stepped up to the mark for the residents.”
The CI said that residents benefited from regular access to relevant professionals to support their health and wellbeing and that staff had good links with local health professionals.
‘Relatives told us that they felt their loved ones’ health needs were always met’ the report continued, ‘whilst one person told us, “we would highly recommend Crosslet House to any families who find themselves in the difficult position of having to place their mother, father, or relative in a care home.”
Crosslet House’s management also earned praise for their interactions with residents, families and care staff.

Under the sub-heading ‘How good is our leadership‘ the report explained: ‘The management team were committed to ensuring people were well cared for.
‘They were well supported by a very experienced staff team. Staff and management demonstrated that they had the skills and capacity to identify risks and drive improvement.
‘One relative told us, “if small issues arise they are dealt with quickly and smoothly either by phone or visit.”’
Crosslet House opened in 2017 at a cost of more than £12m and replaced the existing Langcraigs, Willox Park and Dalreoch House care homes.
At the time it was dubbed ‘a super care home’ and boasted space for 84 residents as well as a day centre with space for 50 people.