A woman scarred her former friend for life after repeatedly striking her with a baseball bat.
Charlene Aitken, 33, turned on Elaine Graham outside her flat in Glasgow’s Tollcross.
The pair had earlier fallen out before Aitken spotted her with co-accused Mary Ann O’Farrell, 40.
Glasgow Sheriff Court heard Aitken attended at the scene in order to visit her partner James Stevenson at 3pm.
She saw O'Farrell and Miss Graham outside drinking and three women got into an argument.
Prosecutor Carrie Stevens said: "Th
is became physical and the three women were involved in a fight.
"Aitken took an aluminium baseball bat and struck Miss Graham once on the head and once on the body.
"She fell to the ground and sustained an injury to her head which was bleeding.
"As this was taking place, Mr Stevenson came out and attempted to intervene.
“At this time O'Farrell picked up a grey brush and struck him a number of times.
"She then spat on Mr Stevenson's face and kicked him repeatedly to the body."
As police arrived, it was noted Aitken had an injury to her forehead and Mr Stevenson had a lump and bruising to his head.
Miss Graham was taken to hospital meantime and found to have a broken collarbone as well as a wound to the forehead which required stitches.
Ms Stevens added: "The wound has resulted in a scar."
Mr Stevenson refused medical treatment.
Miss Aitken was treated for a suspected dislocated shoulder before being released into police custody.
Aitken, of Rutherglen, pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to assaulting Miss Graham to her severe injury and permanent disfigurement.
O'Farrell, of Tollcross, admitted assaulting Mr Stevenson to his injury.
Sheriff Joan Kerr tagged both women for five months keeping them indoors between 8pm and 7am.
They were also put under supervision for 18 months.