One would think that when you’ve had as much success as Giannis Antetkounmpo has, you’d appreciate it. A lot.
After all, he is an NBA champion and a two-time MVP. He’s also an NBA Finals MVP. Most players who come through the league won’t even experience a fraction of that sort of success. So when you join that sort of exclusive club, you’d think you’d show off that success whenever you can.
But Antetkounmpo doesn’t. He actually doesn’t display his trophies out in the open at all — at least, that’s what he told The Athletic’s Sam Amick in a new Q&A.
Amick asked Antetkounmpo if he had physical objects in his house to remind him of his championship and his successes. As it turns out, he does. But he only displays his trophies in his office.
Why? Because he wants to keep himself desperate.
“I feel like sometimes looking at (accomplishments from the past) stops you from going out there and chasing and being desperate. Why I’m here is because I’m desperate. I’m not as talented as Steph. I’m not as talented as KD. I’m [expletive] desperate. I’m obsessed. I’m scared to lose what God has gave me and the life that I’ve provided for my kids and my brothers and for my mom, you know? I’m scared. So [expletive] work as hard as I can, because I don’t want to lose this [expletive]. And it’s not gonna stop until I’m out of this league. “
That’s too real, man. What a quote.
That’s the thing about Antektounmpo. Seeing where how far he’s come is so inspiring. But that’s not enough for him — he continues to find ways to drive himself and push for more success. It’s not necessarily about the successes as much as it is about the work for him. He’s still got goals he wants to accomplish, as he explained in an interview with For The Win‘s Bryan Kalbrosky.
It doesn’t sound like that separation is going away anytime soon. And that should terrify the rest of the NBA.