ON the grind to secure a skate park for the suburb's youth, Marks Point residents have handed a petition to Lake Macquarie council with 188 signatures.
The council's $63.9 million development contributions plan for Belmont includes funds for a skate park within the area, and petition organiser Robert Bowne wants to get the wheels in motion to have it built at Baxter Field.
"We had an incident just before Christmas where a child on a skateboard nearly got hit by a car," Mr Bowne said.
"The activities available for kids in the area are fairly limited, the main reason we want to get them off the street is so it's not so dangerous riding up and down the road along the footpath.
"Around here the only area where kids can get a good ride on the skateboard is on the bloody road, it's just concerning."
The plan covers the southeastern side of the lake from Belmont to Moonee and is designed to cater for an extra 7250 people by 2030.
It sets out the community infrastructure that will be needed to meet the demands of new development in the area, funded with developer contributions.
The plan identified 44 open space and recreation projects, an upgrade to Swansea Swim Centre, sports fields, parks, playgrounds, cycleways and more.
The council hasn't started investigating a skate park project yet, with a spokesman telling the Newcastle Herald a location will be chosen based on the surrounding population, demographics, proximity to similar facilities and land availability.
"All council land holdings within the Belmont catchment will be considered as part of the investigation phase of this project," he said.
He said an accurate cost estimate wouldn't be available until detailed design on the project is complete, with $743,000 set aside for the skate park in the plan.
If the cost exceeds developer contributions the council will have to investigate other funding options.
The council spokesman pointed out there are a number of recreational activities on offer for children, including the Baxter Field half basketball court and playground, the Fernleigh Track and nearby libraries.
He said there are 12 skate park or BMX facilities in the city, including a major skate park at Swansea.
The petition was brought to the council this month with the help of deputy mayor Adam Shultz, who didn't want the issue to fall into the "bureaucratic abyss".
"I thought it was important to do a notice of motion so we can get feedback from staff to provide to the community," he said.
"There's already a skate park at Swansea and Croudace Bay, so Marks Point is probably the logical location for it in the future."
Cr Shultz said Baxter Field seemed like a good choice given its proximity to the local public school, Fernleigh Track and sports fields.
"It ticks a lot of boxes on face value," he said.
"But, staff would have to do due diligence to see if it's a viable site and go out for community consultation."
Mr Bowne, who started the petition, said in his experience Swansea and Belmont get more infrastructure than Marks Point.
"I think it's a good cause and I hope the council can make allowances in the next budget," he said.
The council voted recently to provide guidance on a timeframe for the facility and outline a process for selecting a location, as well as to consult with the community about Baxter Field if it is a viable site.