Forget Glastonbury (Glastonbury festival welcomes back crowds amid rail strikes, 22 June). The audience of 100 at the local Baston folk club has something far more exciting – the interval raffle. I suppose a Glasto raffle is probably impractical, with winners taking ages to make their way to the main stage to claim their box of chocolates or Steeleye Span CD. Also, the cries of “put it back” might be quite difficult to hear.
Toby Wood
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
• The reason we over-75s are called the “silent generation” (Report, 16 June) is presumably because many of us do not use social media. We are therefore inaudible to the Twitterverse; they don’t hear us in their social media world. But, as your correspondent points out (Letters, 21 June) we are very vocal – and we write letters to the Guardian instead.
Sally Burch
• A Guardian reader for 60 years, unlike Jennifer Kennerly (Letters, 21 June) I’ve never found the paper gloomy – until the article about balance (20 June). I’m unable to stand on one leg for 10 seconds and am struggling to look on the bright side.
Helen Royle
Tideswell, Derbyshire
• It is a great relief to no longer have to rely on muesli-eating or sandal-wearing to identify fellow Guardian readers. I now just look for people standing on one leg.
Bob Epton
Brigg, Lincolnshire
• I managed three seconds. Can someone tell me how long I’ve got?
Cyril Duff (aged 92)