If you're looking to do some retro-style videogame shooting this weekend, you might want to turn your attention to the new assembly of Nightdive games on Humble Bundle, a collection of nine nostalgia FPS games for just $20.
The Fully Loaded: Nightdive FPS Remasters bundle, as it's formally known, unfortunately does not include the recent System Shock and Star Wars: Dark Forces updates, but we can't pretend to be too surprised about that: Each of those games costs more that this entire bundle, after all.
Even so, there's a lot to like in this one, including:
- Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered
- Rise of the Triad Ludicrous Edition
- Powerslave Exhumed
- Doom 64
- Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
- Forsaken Remastered
- Blood: Fresh Supply
- Turok
- Sin: Gold
There's also a coupon for 10% off Nightdive's latest, PO'ed: Definitive Edition, a remaster of the 3DO cult classic about an interstellar chef who battles hostile aliens with kitchen implements.
We've had some very positive experiences with a lot of the games in this bundle. Blood: Fresh Supply "feels more new than old," we said in 2019, while the previously N64-exclusive Turok 3 feels "like a true PC FPS." Powerslave Exhumed—"pretty bonkers by even '90s standards"—manages a big step forward from the original PC release by being based on the superior console version, and even though Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition sometimes feels overly dated thanks to its "goddamn nonsense," as PC Gamer contributor Nova Smith put it (a sentiment I generally agree with), its "cranked-to-11 mentality is still faithfully preserved in this remaster."
So it's a whole lot of shooting for not much money, and if you're not down with throwing a 20 at the whole thing you can opt for smaller bundles instead: Three other tiers are available, going as low as $5 for Blood, Turok, Sin, and the PO'ed discount.
As always, a portion of the price—adjustable as you see fit—goes to charity, in this case Active Minds, a non-profit organization that promotes mental health for young adults. The Nightdive Humble Bundle is up for grabs until June 12.