With Candace, Genshin Impact has for the first time received a character who carries a shield in addition to their main weapon – while this is not an indicator for further characters like this or even the introduction of a new weapon type, it is a unique selling point of the 4-star character from update 3.1. Candace is a solid Support character and strengthens her teammates both offensively and defensively. How to best equip Candace in Genshin Impact is explained in this guide.
Genshin Impact Candace: best weapons

In the Support role, Candace is primarily an off-field character who activates her abilities and then makes room for the Main DPS. She mainly needs a great Energy Recharge value, since she only produces limited energy particles, and a lot of HP to boost her buff.
For Support Candace, the Skyward Spine (5-star polearm) is therefore recommended. It increases the Energy Recharge and triggers a damaging effect.
Alternatively, you should go for the following weapons:
- Favonius Lance (4-star rod weapon) – increases Energy Recharge, creates energy particles.
- The Catch (4-star polearm) – increases Energy Recharge, increases ability damage.
If you want to play Candace as a DPS character, the Staff of Homa and the Deathmatch are good weapons.
Genshin Impact Candace: best artifacts

As a Support character, Candace is a good candidate to carry Noblesse Oblige (increases ability damage, Attack of all characters) for the team. If you already have a character that carries this set, a mix of Emblem of Severed Fate (increases Energy Recharge by 20%) and Tenacity of the Millelith (increases HP by 20%) is recommended for Candace.
Pay attention to the following distribution of attributes:
- Plume: Attack (main stat), HP %, Energy Recharge, Critical Hit Rate, Critical Damage (sub stats).
- Flower: HP (main stat), HP %, Energy Recharge, Critical Hit Rate, Critical Damage (sub stats).
- Sands: HP % or Energy Recharge (standard damage build) (main stat), HP %, Energy Recharge, Critical Hit Rate, Critical Damage (sub stats).
- Goblet: HP % (main stat), Energy Recharge, Critical Hit Rate, Critical Damage (sub stats).
- Circlet: HP % (main stat), Energy Recharge, Critical Hit Rate, Critical Damage (sub stats).
A value of around 180% Energy Recharge should suffice. If you’ve reached that, you can focus on maximizing HP with the remaining pieces.
If you want to get DPS Candace going, Heart Of Depth (increases Hydro damage, increases damage from standard attacks) is a good choice.
Genshin Impact Candace: best teams

Candace actively deflects damage with her shield and increases the damage of standard attacks by the active team member. Accordingly, Main DPS characters that act primarily with their standard attacks are the most efficient support targets for Candace. Such a composition looks like this:
- Kamisato Ayato (Main DPS), Xiangling (Sub DPS), Candace (Support), Bennett (Support).
Ayato attacks mainly with standard attacks and therefore benefits from the buffs provided by Candace. At the same time, he allows Hydro resonance to occur, which raises the squad’s HP and makes Candace even more effective. Xiangling provides off-field effects and Bennett contributes healing as well as other buffs to damage.
Ayato is representative of characters like Childe, Yoimiya, and Cyno. The Sub DPS should be chosen depending on the Main DPS, with characters like Collei, Xingqiu, or Yelan being suitable.
If there is no other Hydro character on the team besides Candace, be sure to bring Kokomi or Barbara on board as Support to create Hydro resonance. Otherwise, characters like Dori, Kuki Shinobu, and Yun Jin are also perfectly functional.
- Candace (Main DPS), Xiangling (Sub DPS), Sucrose (Support), Kokomi (Support).
In this lineup, Candace is the Main DPS and is supplied by Xiangling with Pyro effects for reactions. Sucrose or Kazuha group enemies and destroy their elemental resistance. Kokomi or Barbara bring Hydro resonance into play and heal the team.
To level Candace up to level 90, you should follow this guide to collect the necessary Redcrest fruits for her ascension.
Written by Marco Wutz on behalf of GLHF.