Can I get Furniture123 delivery for free?
Unfortunately, they do not offer a free delivery method at this time. The cost of delivery depends on what you choose to buy and this will be made clear during the checkout process.
Can a Furniture123 discount code be applied to sale items?
Some Furniture123 promo codes can be used on sale items. It is important to check the terms and conditions of each offer before placing your order to ensure your savings.
Is there a Furniture123 discount code for first orders?
Unfortunately, there aren’t any specific Furniture123 promo codes for your first order, you can still save right away with our collection of promo codes and deals.
Is there a Furniture123 discount code NHS workers can use?
While there isn’t an NHS discount code, you can still save on your next purchase with our available Furniture123 discount codes. If an NHS code does become available, we will update this page with all the relevant details to help you save.
What is the Furniture123 returns policy?
You have up to 14 days from the delivery date to inform Customer Services of your intent to return your order and send your items. All returned items must be in original condition to receive a full refund. If your item has been partially assembled, your refund amount may be reduced. Please note that you will be required to pay for your own courier and arrange collection.
Hints and Tips
Shop the Sale: Spend less on your next purchase by shopping in the Furniture123 Sale section. There, you can find savings of up to £200 on bedroom, bathroom, living room, and garden furniture. You can also find stylish storage solutions, lighting, and fireplaces.
Flexible Delivery: Get your products exactly when you need them with Furniture123's flexible shipping service. You can choose which day works for you, including Saturdays. With week-long flexibility, you can shop knowing this brand will work for you.
Exclusive Offers: Catch the best time-limited offers Furniture123 has to offer by scrolling to the bottom of the home page where you can find their Exclusive Offers. With deals such as 10% off any mattress when you purchase a bedframe, this is a great way to save when you’re updating your home.
Outlet Savings: Save up to 70% off Furniture123 ottoman beds, sofas, wardrobes, and more when you shop in the factory outlet section. This section is filled with end-of-line and ex-display products as well as open-box bargains.
How to use your Furniture123 discount code
- Select one of our Furniture123 discount codes and click ‘Get Code’ to copy it to your clipboard and open the Furniture 123 website.
- Begin your shop and add your preferred products to the basket.
- When you have finished, click the basket icon at the top of the page to start the checkout process.
- If your products are eligible for a promo code, you will see a promo code box on the right of the page.
- There, you can enter your chosen Future123 discount code.
- Finally, click the ‘Apply’ button to secure your latest savings.
How do we source promo codes and deals?
We have an Offers team that sources codes and deals from affiliate networks and from researching the web. The codes are tested to see if they work and then added to the retailer pages, alongside sales, multi-buy deals, friend referral discounts and newsletter sign-up deals. The codes and offers are checked regularly to ensure they’re still live and working, and new deals are added multiple times a week, keeping the offer list fresh.
Alongside this, we have a Commercial team that works with the brands to secure exclusive discount codes. An exclusive code is an offer agreed upon by the brand that is the best in the market, it’s normally a limited-time-only offer so it’s worth snapping up when you see it.
We also have a Copywriting team who update the FAQs, Hints & Tips and Buyers Guides sections with additional information on how you can save money at each retailer, alongside answering other queries you may have.
What if my voucher code doesn’t work?
Although we have eyes on the pages checking the codes and offers are working, sometimes they expire early or the details change suddenly. If you do find a code that doesn’t work or an offer has expired, please feel free to get in contact and let us know at vouchers.idealhome@futurenet.com.
How do we make money?
When you click one of our offer links, a unique identifier is added that lets the retailer know that you’ve come from our Ideal Home discount code page. If you then buy something, we get a commission from the purchase. A commission is a small percentage of the money that you’ve spent on your item(s).