Fortnitemares 2022 is officially over as we move into November and get a small break before the holiday season ramps up. In order to fill the gap, the team behind Fortnite has decided to yet again wheel out Star Wars for an easy fan-pleasing event. Last season saw Darth Vader appear on the map as a boss, and the season before that saw us through the Star Wars day event, so the franchise has had a very big presence in Fortnite this year.
That’s not all though, as there are old weapons and items that have been unvaulted to add to the fun, plus there’s the rare opportunity to grab a free skin.
Skywalker week - Fortnite

To celebrate the return of Star Wars to the game, this week is Skywalker week. From now until November 8, you can complete a series of Star Wars challenges in-game for 20k XP each, letting you progress quickly in the Battle Pass.
These are all the quests:
- Search Star Wars chests (10)
- Block shots using a Lightsaber (15)
- Complete a bounty from a Stormtrooper
- Assist in defeating Darth Vader
- Deal damage to opponents with Star Wars weapons (5 stages)
Lightsabers and E-11 Blaster Rifles - Fortnite

It’s barely been a minute since these weapons were vaulted, but they’re back again. The green and blue versions of Luke’s Lightsaber can be found as random loot in the world and you can get Darth Vader’s Lightsaber by defeating him in-game. Similarly, the E-11 Blaster Rifle is back with its high accuracy and infinite ammo, appearing as random loot once more.
Junk Rift - Fortnite

Another unvaulted weapon, this chaotic item will, when thrown on the ground, will drop a random item, crashing through any structures it hits on the way. Although this doesn’t seem like it has any relation to Star Wars, for this week it has a chance to drop Luke’s X-34 Landspeeder vehicle.
Pulse Rifle - Fortnite

The last of this update’s unvaulted weapons, the Pulse Rifle has a pretty fast rate of fire and does bonus damage when aiming down sights. It’s another high-tech weapon that fits in perfectly with the Star Wars arsenal, and will hopefully stick around once Skywalker week is over.
Free Chrome Punk skin - Fortnite

After being hidden in the game’s code for weeks, the Chrome Punk skin is finally officially released in the game. There are three new quests to complete, each one will unlock a Chrome Punk item, with the final reward being a free Fortnite skin. These skins aren’t given out very often, so you’ll want to get your hands on this one. The quests will be active until January 1. We have a full guide on how to unlock the Chrome Punk skin for all the details.
Written by Ryan Woodrow on behalf of GLHF.