Former West Australian MP Brian Ellis is facing accusations he destroyed evidence during a probe by the corruption watchdog into parliamentary allowances.
Ellis, 72, was due on Wednesday to face Perth Magistrates Court on four charges dating back to May and June 2020.
They include disclosing a restricted matter, giving evidence known to be false or misleading, wilfully destroying evidence and delaying, obstructing or otherwise hindering the performance of the Corruption and Crime Commission.
Court records indicate Ellis, who represented the Liberals in WA's upper house between 2007 and 2017, did not make an appearance.
Ellis was accused of serious misconduct in 2020 following an investigation into the misuse of parliamentary electorate allowances by the corruption watchdog.
Its report outlined a 2016 visit by Ellis to the Penthouse Club in Northbridge with former colleague Phil Edman, during which Ellis is alleged to have received a nude lap dance paid for by Edman out of his electorate allowance.
It was alleged Ellis, Edman and a third former Liberal MP, Nigel Hallett, had "colluded among themselves" and warned others about the investigation, causing evidence to be lost or destroyed.
Edman has pleaded not guilty to hindering the corruption commission and four counts of disclosing a restricted matter. He is due to return to court in December.
Mr Hallett is not subject to any charges.
A laptop and two hard drives seized from Edman in 2019 were returned to the corruption commission last year following a lengthy stoush with the Legislative Council over whether the material was subject to parliamentary privilege.
Ellis is listed to return to court on September 14.