Don’t enjoy crunches? Well, we’ve got some good news, you don’t actually need to do them. There are plenty of other exercises out there that won’t just fire up your abdominal muscles, but your entire core system (including your lower back, pelvis and diaphragm). This Pilates workout is a great place to start and there isn’t a crunch (or weight) in sight. Just grab a mat, or a towel, and your gym water bottle.
Pilates is well-known for its core-strengthening benefits as the movements are primarily designed to target these muscles and (despite sample sizes often being small), studies show this too. One study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that women who completed a one-hour mat Pilates workout, twice a week, not only saw significant improvements in abdominal strength, lower limb strength, flexibility and balance.
For this workout you’ll rest 30 seconds between each exercise and 60 to 90 seconds between rounds. Try and aim for two rounds minimum, three if possible. If you need to half the reps for the first three exercises (as there’s quite a lot) do so. Make sure you really focus on your breathing to help you focus and fully engage those core muscles. As always, if you're unsure of any of the exercises below, have a quick watch of the video above. Here’s your workout:
- Bridge marches - 20 reps
- Toe taps - 20 reps
- Plank press - 10 reps
- Plank rocks - 10 reps
- Bird dog crunch - 10 reps
- Forearm plank touch - 10 reps
Whether you’re after more general Pilates workouts or core-specific ones, we’ve got plenty! Check out these three beginner core exercises as recommended by a Pilates teacher or, if it’s a full-body workout you’re looking for, this 8-move workout isn’t just great for strengthening your entire body, but improving your posture too.