The Women’s Institute (WI) has called on its members to knit toy corgis and hide them across the UK to honour the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Anyone who finds the special “WInnie” will win a pair of tickets to the Big Jubilee Lunch in London on June 5 – the date of the bank holiday pageant.
Members of the group have been urged to knit a corgi toy named “WInnie” and hide her in the local community as a “fun surprise”.
The pattern for knitting the corgi was designed by Hannah Joyce, a member of WI’s Woolwich and Plumstead Roses group.
The corgis will be hidden outdoors in May and will also contain a tag with details of how to record the location on the WI website.
Members of the WI are encouraged to get involved regardless of their knitting experience.
Ann Jones, Chair of the NFWI, told the Telegraph: “Knitters of all skill levels are encouraged to join in, with the pattern designed for those at a relatively beginner level.
“For those who find the corgis, they can visit the WI website to map where they have found her and also post on social media using hashtag #WheresWInnie. We hope that WInnie the corgi will brighten the day of anyone who finds her.”
The project will be launched in partnership with The Big Jubilee Lunch which aims to inspire Britons to throw picnic and street parties to celebrate the Queen’s 70 years on the throne.
Lindsey Brummitt, the director of the programme, said it would be “a lovely way to honour The Queen’s incredible achievement”.
She added: “It’s really exciting to collaborate with the WI who share our aim to inspire people to try new things and connect with people where they live, so we hope to see knitted Corgi pups popping up all over the UK this spring.”