Worries have been raised over plans to turn a vacant pub into flats. The Duke of Newcastle pub on Whitemoor Road, Basford would be converted to a ground floor retail unit and three self-contained flats, if new proposals are approved.
The creation of these three one-bedroom flats, according to a planning document, would require a single storey side extension and new dormers on the roof. The current layout provides six car spaces, and the new designs would retain these.
Steve Westby, Nottingham CAMRA branch chairman, said: "The whole of Nottingham is a pub graveyard, especially in the suburbs. This one was typical of a pub in a housing area, and the majority of our pubs that are in the middle of housing are gone, if they're not in the city or town centre.
Read more: Warning over 'alarming' demolitions of pubs in Nottinghamshire
"I had never been in there, it closed years and years ago but it used to be a Home Brewery pub. There are several pubs in that area that have gone, the White Swan has also disappeared too."

Nottingham CAMRA have previously warned that the conversion of pubs to apartments is contributing to a loss of community spaces. More than 300 Nottinghamshire pubs have closed down over the last two decades according to Office for National Statistics data - and the toll doesn't include those that have been lost during the Covid pandemic.
Mr Westby added: "It seems to reflect a trend of drinking preferences and it is sad in a sense, because they were the centre of community. The few that remain in these suburbs are often the hub of community."
The application was submitted by Mr Singh whose address is listed as the Khera Stores shop over the road from the closed pub, with Rick Cobham Design Ltd acting as a planning agent. The application is currently pending consideration by Nottingham City Council.