The FBI issued a warning on Wednesday regarding the spread of fake videos related to the 2024 election that falsely claim to be from the bureau. According to the FBI, there have been four additional instances where its name and insignia were misused to promote false narratives about the election. These fabricated videos and statements aim to mislead the American public and undermine confidence in the election process and outcomes.
One of the fake videos in question is a manipulated news clip that falsely alleges the FBI ordered media to limit the dissemination of information about bribery of electors. The FBI clarified that this video does not reflect the actions or stance of the bureau. The FBI did not disclose the identities of those responsible for circulating these fake messages or where they were being shared.
Prior to Election Day, the FBI had already cautioned the public about three other fake messages that purported to be from the bureau and promoted false narratives about the election. One of these messages included a video that claimed there were issues with voting machines.