AN American woman who suffered a spinal cord injury from a stage-diving mishap during a concert from Newcastle punk band, Trophy Eyes, said her doctors are predicting a "full recovery."
Bird Piché, 24, suffered a broken neck and underwent emergency surgery on April 30 after she was injured moments into Trophy Eyes' show at Mohawk Place, in Buffalo, in upstate New York.
Trophy Eyes vocalist John Floreani stage-dived into the crowd during the first song of the performance and his back landed directly on Piché's head and neck.
The concert was immediately cancelled and Floreani accompanied Piché and her family to Erie County Medical Center.
A fortnight on from the incident, Piché has movement in her arms and legs and is still hopeful of regaining fine motor skills.
"So my legs, it's involuntary, have been kicking a lot lately. I can't control it," Piché told NBC News from her hospital bed.
"My arms, they're - besides my hand dexterity - almost fully there. My fingers don't have full movement."
Piché has a long road of rehabilitation ahead, but she is optimistic.
"They do think I'll have a full recovery," Piché said. "Nothing is certain, obviously, but they are predicting I will have full recovery of everything."
When asked by NBC whether they would investigate taking civil action against Floreani, Piché's mother and step-father declined to comment.
The Newcastle Herald was told by Mohawk Place general manager, Mike Thor, that the venue has a strict no stage-diving policy.
"There are signs posted everywhere in the venue and notice was included in the emails for this show with the show's promoter and the band themselves," Thor said.
The Mohawk Place's no stage-diving policy was introduced in 2011 after a then 19-year-old hardcore fan, Mike Bird, broke his C5 and C6 vertebrae when he was knocked to the ground by a stage-diver.
Trophy Eyes have continued their US tour since the April 30 incident and last week posted on social media that they were "heartbroken" and "shaken to its core" following Piché's injury.
The band also donated $US5000 towards a GoFundMe page to raise funds for Piché ongoing medical treatment.
The amount has been widely criticised on Trophy Eyes' social media pages as being grossly inadequate.
The GoFundMe has raised almost $70,000 of its $100,000 target.
Trophy Eyes manager Heath Bradby was contacted for comment. Last week Bradby told the Herald that "the band have nothing to add at this stage."