IT was inevitable that the NSW government would finally have to sit down with the owners of Eraring coal-fired power station to extend its operation to keep the lights on. Similar deals have been used in Victoria.
Governments are giving subsidies to people to help pay their electricity bills, and now in NSW we will be subsidising electricity generators to supply electricity. By any rational reasoning Eraring's closure will lead to blackouts, so I would like to be in Eraring owner's corner at the negotiating table. Not only are governments subsidising intermittent renewables, they are subsidising 24/7 reliable suppliers - all with our money. What a political and bureaucratic disgrace.
John Cooper, Charlestown
Access issues abound in city
SPOT on Dr John Tierney when you wrote about footpaths and vanity projects ("City footpaths languish in shadow of vanity projects", Opinion, 30/4).
I too live in central Newcastle and travel around on a disability scooter that I call my "freedom machine". I certainly agree that it is distressing to see the condition of footpaths in the CBD and meanwhile watching all the vanity projects continue.
I often ride my scooter directly onto the light rail down to Honeysuckle and ride over to Marketown via Steel Street, but that has become very difficult in recent times. It's become dangerous to ride along Steel street because of the lack of ramps and the uneven condition of the dirty pathway so I fear the journey now. All over Newcastle there is a need for more ramps and repair and in the years previously the ramps were called "pram ramps" and they served a great purpose. Now they could serve the disabled well too if there were enough of them.
Denise Lindus Trummel, Newcastle
What's the end game on nuclear?
EVER questioned why the Coalition don't advocate for intensive renewable development while their nuclear power plants are being built? That's because they know that by the time nuclear power begins generating, their electricity would be too expensive and the plants superfluous anyway.
I think their threat to overturn the renewable energy policies of the current government is designed for one reason only: sabotage, to deter industry from making firm decisions and investing for the future. Industry is aware that renewables are taking over the planet but the lack of policy certainty in Australia will hold back development and investment here. I believe the Coalition knows this and is placing the short-term profits of fossil fuel billionaires and their companies over the future of our children.
John Arnold, Anna Bay
Deepfake technology needs limits
RECENTLY I have seen a lot of videos on social media that are promoting bitcoin. These are from what I can gather videos created via the use of AI (artificial intelligence).
I know some of these people in the videos and they would never promote such rubbish; however, people are drawn in.
This is concerning to me as I am becoming aware that there are a number people I know who attended a Zoom meeting believing that a certain well-known person is promoting the financial advice where "all Australians have the right to become very wealthy".
It seems to me that lawmakers (our politicians) should seriously consider strong and robust penalties against anyone who uses AI to exploit other people. Such legislation would not be difficult to construct and, as there are contacts given for such promotions, I'd expect successful convictions could be easily obtained. We must stamp out the use of technology to distort a person's voice and visual appearance to promote an unauthorised and possibly illegal thing.
Milton Caine, Birmingham Gardens
More than money needed in crisis
NO amount of money is going to stop domestic violence on its own. What needs to change is the drug culture, particularly among young men, that exists these days, that is testosterone injections, steroids and whatever else used in combination with body building exercises, to enhance masculinity and strength. They have the desired physical effect but can also create personality changes, mood swings and uncontrolled unprovoked violent actions.
Alcohol is another contributing factor along with problem gambling. These are issues that the government can do something about, by banning gambling and alcohol advertising. More could also be done about cost of living pressures that can also contribute to violent behaviour. Domestic violence is a societal problem. The problem is, how do you change the status quo?
Steven Busch, Rathmines
- Support is available for those who may be distressed. Phone Lifeline 13 11 14; 1800-RESPECT 1800 737 732.
Hillsborough movements very welcome
I DID criticise Transport NSW recently, but I would like to thank them for all they have done to help Hillsborough residents enter/exit Hillsborough Road over the past weeks. To Anna and her team, who have been out to Hillsborough, thank you. We were able to show you our concerns and you have told us your proposals to correct the situation. It's hugely appreciated by the majority of residents.
Wendy Marr, Hillsborough
Energy isn't an either/or choice
I FIND the whole debate about nuclear energy a bit confusing. I know nuclear is costly and may take up to 20 years to develop, but why is that necessarily an impediment? We are prepared to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on nuclear submarines we won't likely see before 2050. Why is nuclear energy and renewable energy an either or choice? Why not develop both? Press ahead urgently with renewables but also start developing nuclear energy as a longer term option. I just don't understand really why there is such a vehement debate one way or the other.
Daryll Hadfield, Redhead
Horror chapter of our history
IT was good to read Julie Robinson's letter ("Blind faith is a dangerous thing", Letters, 27/4), regarding Anne Manne's book Crimes of the Cross. I am currently reading this book. I also read a review last Saturday. The first sentence read: "This book should come with a Horror warning on the cover". I agree. It is an intense and harrowing read.
Les Field, Wickham
War protests achieve little
THE Middle East war protesters will achieve nothing except disrupting ordinary Australian people's lives. They need to be taken off our streets before our country becomes an unruly mess.
John Bonnyman, Fern Bay
Words can have big implications
FROM time to time I read and hear about the Ukraine war. Surely it is the Ukraine invasion?