A novel electrostatic sprayer developed by a group of scientists from Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) has received a patent.
The electrostatic sprayer was developed by Dipak Suresh Khatawkar, Chief Minister’s Navakerala Post doctoral research fellow, Dhalin D., Professor, Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering (FMPE) of Kerala Agricultural University, and Shaji James P., retired Professor of FMPE department .
This invention promises superior deposition efficiency and higher biological efficiency compared to the traditional sprayers. This novel technology eliminates over-spraying of chemical, which contaminates soil and waterbodies to a greater extent, and restrict environment hazards.
Being fully electric sprayer, it has very few mechanical components, which makes less noise and vibration, offering better operator comfort, reducing maintenance and provides longer operational life, according to the team.
This patented technology provides precision and efficiency on par with the commercial electrostatic sprayers and is tailor made for small and marginal farmers with considerably lower price. The overall features and cost effectiveness of the sprayer has potential to bring a paradigm shift in the socio-economic status of Indian farming community, they added.