The German language would have no difficulty in creating a compound word for Adrian Chiles’s fear of mentioning the war: Kriegserwähnungsangst, perhaps (12 June). There is already a related helpful term in common use. Vergangenheitsbewältigung describes the need to deal with, or come to terms with, the past. It reflects a long period of heart-searching in Germany.
Raymond Williams
• Alex Hamilton says no nuclear-armed country has been invaded (Letters, 10 June). In the 1973 Yom Kippur war, Egypt and Syria attacked Israel. As its forces were being overwhelmed in Sinai and the Golan Heights, Golda Meir considered using atomic weapons. Learning of this, Richard Nixon ordered an emergency airlift of US supplies, enabling Israel to achieve victory with conventional weapons.
Dr John Doherty
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire
• It’s misleading to say that this month’s temperatures are “half”, in celsius, of those a year ago (Brrr-itish summer: why is it so cold and when will it get warmer?, 14 June). Since temperature is measured scientifically from the absolute zero (-273C) a drop from 30C to 15C is not a change of 50%, but 15/303, or just under 5%.
John Gribbin
University of Sussex
• While we’re congratulating Alan Bates and co for their well-deserved gongs (Post Office campaigner Alan Bates knighted in king’s birthday honours, 14 June), might we also congratulate the playwright Gwyneth Hughes, whose brilliant script brought millions of viewers to Mr Bates vs The Post Office?
Alison Leonard
Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire
• A letter in the Guardian (the Guardian!) from George Carnarvon of Highclere Castle (17 June)? Has the revolution happened without my noticing? Two deadly serious points in the earl’s letter, though.
Richard Hoyle
Reading, Berkshire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.