Egypt's Central Bank raised its key interest rate Monday for the first time since 2017, citing inflationary pressures triggered by the coronavirus pandemic and Russia's war in Ukraine, which hiked oil prices to new records.
The move saw the Egyptian pound slip, trading 17.5 to the dollar — from an average of 15.6 pounds for $1 — after the bank’s decision. That is likely to have a heavy toll on poor and middle-class Egyptians.
The war in Ukraine has shaken the global economy and threatened food supplies and livelihoods of people across the world. Brent crude, the price basis for international oil trading, spiked over $112 per barrel on Monday after nearly hitting a peak of $140 earlier this month.
The Central Bank of Egypt increased the key interest rate by 1%, to 9.75%. With the increases, overnight deposit and lending rate stood at 9.25% and 10.25% respectively, the bank said.
The increases followed an unscheduled meeting of the bank's Monetary Policy Committee, which had been set to meet on Thursday.
Russia and Ukraine combine for nearly a third of the world’s wheat and barley exports. Ukraine is also is a major supplier of corn and the global leader in sunflower oil, used in food processing.
Egypt is the world’s largest wheat importer. The annual inflation rate increased to 10% in February from 8% the previous month, according to the state-run statistics bureau.
Private bakeries have hiked the price of wheat-produced bread, a lifeline for most Egyptians, by up to 50%. A single loaf of bread costs 1.5 Egyptian pounds (9.5 cents), up from 1 pound (6.3 cents). State-run bakeries still sell 20 pieces of subsidized bread for 1 Egyptian pound.