Edinburgh's Fort Kinnaird could see a huge housing development approved, delivering up to 400 homes.
A pre-application consultation has opened for the residential development on the outskirts of the city centre, ahead of a full planning submission.
E&A Partnerships and Niddrie Development Company have tasked EMA with working up designs for a 6.39ha brownfield site, which was last used as a dumping ground for colliery deposits.
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As a result of the area being used as a dumping ground, a large amount of earthworks are required for clearance and remediation to establish a new junction to the Wisp and an active travel route as part of efforts to deliver between 175 and 400 new homes.
In a statement, the applicants wrote: "The site contains colliery deposits and will require ground remediation. These elements result in a site that undulates but largely falls from the north and east to the southwest corner."
Stated opportunities and constraints include the loss of self-seeded trees to remediation works and an opportunity to tackle anti-social behaviour issues associated with the site.
Edinburgh's Fort Kinnaird is currently the second largest retail park in the UK, with over 70 high-street and top-branded shops and restaurants.
In March 2015, work was completed after two years that included the addition of a new ODEON cinema, seven restaurants and a children's play area, making it one of the biggest shopping and retail hotspots in the country.
Comments on the proposals can be made until 2 March.