The men’s peloton will start again in Roeselare this March for 185km and encounter the “hill zone” of the Flemish slopes, including the climbs of Hotond and Knokteberg, towards the finishing circuit in Waregem.
The Volkegemberg has been added, and is the first climb in 2023. The cobblestones of the Huisepontweg will be on the menu, which arrive a few kilometres before the local circuit. The local loop in Waregem returns, but this year will be ridden in the opposite direction.
The course for the 2023 Dwars door Vlaanderen includes a total of 11 climbs and eight cobblestone sections.
Dwars Door Vlaanderen 2023 climbs
- Volkegemberg
- Hotond
- Knokteberg-Trieu
- Kortekeer
- Berg Ten Houte
- Kanarieberg
- Knokteberg-Trieu
- Hotond
- Ladeuze
- Nokereberg
- Nokere
Dwars Door Vlaanderen 2023 cobbled sectors
- Varentstraat
- Holleweg
- Maria Borrestraat
- Maria Borrestraat
- Doorn
- Huisepontweg
- Herlegemstraat
- Herlegemstraat