A Dublin mum was disgusted to find a puddle of urine left in the lift of an apartment complex full of children.
The mother told Dublin Live she is at the end of her tether as she is caring for both her both and her non-verbal autistic child, who has tried to escape from the top floor flat on several occasions. Rubbish is often left in the lift of the rat-infested block.
Open drug dealing outside the front door mean that the children are forced to play inside. One four-year-old had a close escape when he went to pick up a discarded needle while playing.
Read more: Dublin mam's horror as autistic non-verbal child runs towards traffic from nightmare flat
Tanya Brady is terrified that her flight risk son Ryan might get knocked down by busy traffic and has asked to be moved for medical reasons. Her son also has severe breathing difficulties and is in and out of Temple Street Children's hospital.
Seeing urine in the middle of the lift was the straw that broke the camel's back for the exhausted mum, who says she has to sleep beside Ryan as she fears for his safety.
She said: ""We still have the rubbish problem and now someone is after urinating in the lift. You can see the p*** all over the lift. I'm sick of it. I'm not the only one. There are loads of residents up to their eyes here. You have p*** in the lift. You still have the rubbish problem.

"One of the women was taking the lift down on her way to work when she discovered it. You can see a puddle on the ground. There is constantly rubbish in the lift.
"This building it's too busy around here. It is too dangerous.
"Ryan is still coughing and spluttering every day. The only time that his nose clears is when we are over in my mother's for a few days.
"They are trying to assess him now for ADHD. Everyone always says how tired I look.
"He's constantly needing an inhaler. I want out of here. I'm afraid something serious something serious is going to happen.
"I'm wrecked. I find it very hard to sleep. I have to lie at the side of him so he doesn't get out of the bed. It's just not suitable."
A spokesman for the Peter McVerry Trust said: "We continue to remind residents of house rules and unacceptable behaviour. Some residents have been offered multiple otjer properties which they have rejected."
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