Dragon's Dogma 2 fans are worried the sequel might miss some of their favorite classes.
If you aren't familiar with Capcom's cult classic RPG, classes are called 'Vocations' and are broken up into three categories: basic, advanced, and hybrid. Fighter, Strider, and Mage make up the basic category, while Warrior, Ranger, and Sorcerer are the advanced Vocations. Mystic Knight, Assassin, and Magick Archer round out as hybrid Vocations.
As part of Dragon's Dogma 2's big showcase yesterday, a developer has unveiled a t-shirt themed around the in-game Vocations for the sequel. The t-shirt only shows nine Vocation emblems and we know we're getting one new class in the form of the Trickster, which is leading some players to believe that Dragon's Dogma 2 won't have a bigger Vocation count than the original RPG.
Official Tshirt with only 9 Vocations might be the final nail in the coffin on vocation count from r/DragonsDogma
This has got people worrying their favorite Vocations won't be returning from the first Dragon's Dogma. The Mystic Knight emblem doesn't show up on the t-shirt above, for example, which has got the fan below especially worried that the hybrid class won't be making a big return.
So no more mystic knight? from r/DragonsDogma
On the other hand, others believe everyone's being a little premature. "The vocations they've shown haven't even covered the basis of what the first game gave us. We're missing two of the advanced vocations, anit's’s so obvious that there is something more going on here that whaven't’t seen, especially froItsuno's’s own words that there are multiple vocations wwouldn't’t expec"," the post below writes, referencing game director HideakItsuno's's comments.
Stop. Please. I’m begging you. We are obviously getting more than 9 vocations. from r/DragonsDogma
"Is it really irrational? First game had nine, there has now been an official announcement of a t-shirt with the vocations on it, and it only has the known nine, and the demo only showed space for 9," responds one comment. "I can semi-understand the irrational pessimism just based on there being no footage whatsoever of unannounced classes for the 1st time. At the same time, what you say is completely logical and the correct assumption for now," adds another commenter.
Dragon's Dogma 2 is out next year on March 22, across PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. By all accounts, this could be Capcom's first $70 base price game, although that premium price point isn't carrying over to every other region around the world.
Read up on our Dragon's Dogma 2 preview for what our thoughts on the sequel when we went hands-on with it.