Not many people will have had “Jabba the Hutt Goblin King gets impaled on a church spire and Doctor Who generates a Christmas single about eating a baby” on their bingo cards for 2023, but that is exactly where we find ourselves after this joyful introduction to the Fifteenth Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) and new companion Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson).
From the preview clips of him dancing in a kilt in a club, you might have thought Gatwa’s Doctor was going to be a very different proposition to what has gone before. But across this special, he showed he has everything he needs to be a charismatic and defining Doctor for the second Russell T Davies (RTD) era. Whether representing the gin-and-tonic division of health and safety, bounding across roofs, showing off his mavity gloves, or telling a policeman his fiancee would say yes, Gatwa oozed charm. But when needed, he turned on the seriousness like a tap, looked mortally wounded at time travel being taken lightly, and totally owned the episode.

Gibson’s Ruby came across as charmingly optimistic about life, despite having been dealt a rough hand, though it remains to be seen whether RTD has delivered a “girl-next-door” companion, or whether her mysterious origins will come to bear greater significance later.
A Christmas Day episode needs to please everyone likely to be slumped in front of the television, and keep casual viewers, hardcore fans and complete newbies entertained. Having the Doctor pop back to save Davina McCall from being killed by a falling Christmas tree was the kind of funny aside that can entertain a casual festive crowd – see also Cherry Sunday (Angela Wynter) and her constant demands for tea. However, that quick McCall fix raises a lot of timey-wimey questions about all the times the Doctor doesn’t just quickly pop back to sort things out.

Sum it up in one sentence?
Ncuti Gatwa takes on the mantle of the Doctor at full speed, while saving his new young companion from gremlins … twice.
Life aboard the Tardis

It was always unlikely that he was going to retcon it away, but Russell T Davies has seemingly doubled down on Chris Chibnall’s Timeless Child and Flux storylines, with them getting a mention in three consecutive episodes now. Maybe it is because the Fourteenth Doctor is now working through his trauma in retirement, but Gatwa’s Doctor opened up to Ruby about being an adopted foundling in a candid way that neither David Tennant nor Jodie Whittaker ever managed to do.
Fear factor
The Goblins were more of a nuisance than an existential threat – unless you happened to be a baby or Davina McCall. The scariest it got for adults was the scene where we got a glimpse of Carla Sunday (Michelle Greenidge) living a lonely alternate version of her own life – where she had never experienced the love of her daughter.
Mysteries and questions

What a sensational fourth-wall break at the end from Mrs Flood (Anita Dobson), who had already enjoyed her fair share of acerbic one-liners and knowing looks. She knows what a Tardis is! We can look forward to months of speculation that she must be a regenerated Susan/Rani/Missy/fugitive Doctor, although maybe the answer is staring us in the face. Who did originally leave that baby at the church?
Deeper into the vortex
The giant snowman that fell on Ncuti Gatwa was attached to Henrik’s – the department store Rose Tyler worked in back in 2005 in Rose. The building is actually Howell’s in Cardiff, and it also appeared as Henrik’s in The Runaway Bride and Planet of the Dead.
The Third, Fourth and Thirteenth Doctors have all alluded to having met Harry Houdini and learning a trick or two. None of them mentioned it being a “long hot summer” before, though.
Having saved baby Ruby, the Doctor is making a habit of turning up when companions are children. Young Amelia Pond waited a long time for Matt Smith’s Doctor in The Eleventh Hour, and he went snooping around Clara’s early years in The Rings of Akhaten. Clara and Peter Capaldi’s Doctor in turn went and had a peek at Danny Pink’s orphanage childhood in Listen.
Dobson joins a fine tradition of Doctor Who breaking the fourth wall. Tom Baker once addressed the audience to say, “Even the sonic screwdriver won’t get me out of this one”, Capaldi treated viewers to a lengthy exposition of the bootstrap paradox at the start of Before the Flood, and in 1965 William Hartnell turned round and finished an episode by saying, “Incidentally … a Happy Christmas to all of you at home!” That is a fact always worth having in your pocket for when someone complains Doctor Who isn’t believably realistic these days.
Next time
More Ncuti Gatwa! More Millie Gibson! Jinkx Monsoon! Lenny Rush as Morris! Jonathan Groff! An episode set in the 60s which (probably) features the Beatles! Plus Mel (Bonnie Langford) back again and driving a moped with Gatwa hanging off the end of it! See you then …
60th anniversary specials
Special 1: The Star Beast
Special 2: Wild Blue Yonder
Special 3: The Giggle
Christmas special: The Church on Ruby Road
Flux / Series 13
Chapter one: The Halloween Apocalypse
Chapter two: War of the Sontarans
Chapter three: Once, Upon Time
Chapter four: Village of the Angels
Chapter five: Survivors of the Flux
Chapter six: The Vanquishers
New Year's Special: Eve of the Daleks
Spring special: Legend of the Sea Devils
BBC centenary special: The Power of the Doctor
Series 12
Episode 1: Spyfall part one
Episode 2: Spyfall part two
Episode 3: Orphan 55
Episode 4: Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror
Episode 5: Fugitive of the Judoon
Episode 6: Praxeus
Episode 7: Can You Hear Me?
Episode 8: The Haunting of Villa Diodati
Episode 9: Ascension of the Cybermen
Episode 10: The Timeless Children
New Year's special: Revolution of the Daleks
Series 11
Episode 1: The Woman Who Fell to Earth
Episode 2: The Ghost Monument
Episode 3: Rosa
Episode 4: Arachnids in the UK
Episode 5: The Tsuangra Condundrum
Episode 6: Demons of the Punjab
Episode 7: Kerblam!
Episode 8: The Witchfinders
Episode 9: It Takes You Away
Episode 10: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
New Year's special: Resolution
Series 10
Episode 1: The Pilot
Episode 2: Smile
Episode 3: Thin Ice
Episode 4: Knock Knock
Episode 5: Oxygen
Episode 6: Extremis
Episode 7: The Pyramid at the End of the World
Episode 8: The Lie of the Land
Episode 9: Empress of Mars
Episode 10: The Eaters of Light
Episode 11: World Enough and Time
Episode 12: The Doctor Falls
2017 Christmas special: Twice Upon A Time
Series 9
Episode 1: The Magician's Apprentice
Episode 2: The Witch's Familiar
Episode 3: Under The Lake
Episode 4: Before The Flood
Episode 5: The Girl Who Died
Episode 6: The Woman Who Lived
Episode 7: The Zygon Invasion
Episode 8: The Zygon Inversion
Episode 9: Sleep No More
Episode 10: Face The Raven
Episode 11: Heaven Sent
Episode 12: Hell Bent
2015 Christmas special: The Husbands of River Song
2016 Christmas special: The Return of Doctor Mysterio
Series 8
Episode 1: Deep Breath
Episode 2: Into The Dalek
Episode 3: Robot of Sherwood
Episode 4: Listen
Episode 5: Time Heist
Episode 6: The Caretaker
Episode 7: Kill The Moon
Episode 8: Mummy on the Orient Express
Episode 9: Flatline
Episode 10: In the Forest of the Night
Episode 11: Dark Water
Episode 12: Death In Heaven
2014 Christmas special: Last Christmas
Series 7
Episode 1: Asylum of the Daleks
Episode 2: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Episode 3: A Town Called Mercy
Episode 4: The Power of Three
Episode 5: The Angels Take Manhatten
2012 Christmas special: The Snowmen
Episode 6: The Bells of Saint John
Episode 7: The Rings of Akhaten
Episode 8: Cold War
Episode 9: Hide
Episode 10: Journey to the Centre of the Tardis
Episode 11: The Crimson Horror
Episode 12: Nightmare in Silver
Episode 13: The Name of the Doctor
50th Anniversary special: The Day of the Doctor
2013 Christmas special: The Time of the Doctor
Series 6
Episode 1: The Impossible Astronaut
Episode 2: Day of the Moon
Episode 3: The Curse of the Black Spot
Episode 4: The Doctor's Wife
Episode 5: The Rebel Flesh
Episode 6: The Almost People
Episode 7: A Good Man Goes To War
Episode 8: Let's Kill Hitler
Episode 9: Night Terrors
Episode 10: The Girl Who Waited
Episode 11: The God Complex
Episode 12: Closing Time
Episode 13: The Wedding of River Song
2011 Christmas special: The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe
Series 5
Episode 1: The Eleventh Hour
Episode 2: The Beast Below
Episode 3: Victory of the Daleks
Episode 4: The Time of Angels
Episode 5: Flesh and Stone
Episode 6: The Vampires of Venice
Episode 7: Amy's Choice
Episode 8: The Hungry Earth
Episode 9: Cold Blood
Episode 10: Vincent and the Doctor
Episode 11: The Lodger
Episode 12: The Pandorica Opens
Episode 13: The Big Bang
2010 Christmas special: A Christmas Carol