The Diablo 4 devs are making two major changes to ensure that the endgame Nightmare Dungeons are, in fact, the best way to grind XP in the endgame.
In a new Diablo 4 dev video, Blizzard acknowledges that Nightmare Dungeons are intended to be the best way to grind XP, but that they haven't actually matched the efficiency of running standard dungeons so far. "We're going to increase the amount of XP that you get from Nightmare Dungeons," game director Joe Shely explains in a new Diablo 4 dev video. "Our goal with this is to make Nightmare Dungeons more efficient to do than side dungeons, because they're designed to be more replayable."
"The second thing that we're going to do here is that we're going to modify the way that sigils work, so that they teleport you to Nightmare Dungeons on use." More specifically, sigils will create a waypoint that you'll be able to teleport directly to, which will prevent you from having to spend time traveling between dungeons. Shely says you'll essentially be able to loop Nightmare Dungeons this way.
"We're working very hard on this right now, actually - and yesterday, as well - to get it in before season one." Diablo 4's first season is expected to launch sometime in mid-to-late July.
XP grinding in Diablo 4 has been a hot topic. Players have just been exhausted to learn that, while level scaling mitigates this to some degree, getting to level 85 somehow means you're only halfway to 100.
Check out our guide on how to level up fast in Diablo 4.