A new mum abandoned her newborn baby after fearing she was about to be kicked out of the country, it has been claimed.
The 35-year-old left the child on a wicker chair with its umbilical cord still attached last month.
A family made the doorstep discovery on April 21, after hearing crying in Sydney, Australia.
She reportedly gave birth on their patio next to a children's playground before going back inside the home.
The woman came forward saying she was the baby's mother as DNA tests confirmed her identity.

Now 7NEWS reports the mother was on a working visa and feared should would be deported if authorities discovered she was pregnant.
It is now hoped the parent and the tot will be reunited within weeks.
"This woman genuinely feared she would automatically be sent home and that was never going to be the case," a source said.
"We believe the woman has a partner and children in Asia and she was working to provide them all a better life and hopefully have them come here to be with her."
It has been reported that the family who found the newborn had just moved to the area.
They say they knew of the mother, but had no idea she was pregnant.
“We’re really concerned about her health,” Acting Inspector David McInerney from Blacktown Police said after the discovery.
“Childbirth can be quite traumatic and we’re worried for her safety and wellbeing, both physically and mentally. We’re trying to help her."
A spokesperson for the Department of Communities and Justice said the woman will undergo physical and psychological tests.
New South Wales police went on to make public pleas for the mother to come forward, telling her she wouldn't face any consequences.
She eventually did - and is expected to be with her baby again before the end of the month.
Officials are also set to withdraw an interim application for the baby to be placed under the care of the state.