One of the most popular anime series of the current generation, Demon Slayer, has officially announced the release date for its highly anticipated season 4, along with a new trailer to excite fans. Despite being based on what some consider a less thrilling arc from the original manga, this upcoming season is generating significant buzz and is expected to be a standout release of the year.
Previously, it was confirmed that the anime would premiere in spring 2024 and would be a prominent feature of the upcoming anime season. The official website of the project has revealed that Demon Slayer season 4 is scheduled to debut on May 12, 2024, with Crunchyroll set to stream the episodes. The premiere episode will be a special one-hour event, although details regarding the total length of the season have not yet been disclosed.
The opening theme song for season 4 will be a collaboration between MY FIRST STORY and HYDE, known for the iconic 'Red Swan' opening of Attack On Titan season 3, titled 'Mugen'. Additionally, MAN WITH A MISSION and milet will be returning to provide the ending song, following their contribution to season 3's memorable opening track.
Based on the new Demon Slayer movie, season 4 will incorporate numerous original anime-only scenes due to the relatively short length of the manga's Hashira Training arc. While a faithful adaptation of the arc would amount to approximately five episodes, the involvement of the series creator ensures that any additional scenes will be carefully crafted to maintain the essence of the beloved source material.
The Hashira Training Arc serves as a prelude to the epic Infinity Castle arc, widely regarded as one of the best arcs in Demon Slayer. Viewers will witness Tanjiro and his companions undergo rigorous training in preparation to confront Muzan and his devoted followers. While anticipation for the subsequent arc is high, the current arc offers its own intrigue and is certainly worth exploring.
The element of surprise surrounding the season's plot adds to the allure of Demon Slayer season 4, making it a must-watch for fans of action-packed shonen anime. With the series creator overseeing the production and the promise of new and exciting content, this upcoming season promises to deliver an engaging and thrilling viewing experience for audiences.
Source: Demon Slayer Official Website. Watch On Crunchyroll