Risk of miscarriage increases as a woman gets older, but it happens to younger women too. Often it's a silent loss. Some feel they can't share the news as no one even knew they were pregnant to begin with.
For some who experience pregnancy loss, seeing young families or hearing pregnancy announcements can be triggering. It can completely change the way couples experience future pregnancies.
Here are some facts supplied from Pink Elephants about miscarriage in Australia:
# In Australia, a miscarriage is the loss of a baby prior to 20 weeks gestation
# Every five minutes, someone experiences a miscarriage in Australia
# Miscarriage impacts 1 in 4 pregnancies in Australia
# Every year, 103,000 women in Australia will lose their baby to miscarriage
# Around 285 miscarriages occur every day
# The mental health event most likely to impact women in their lifetime
# 74% of women who have suffered a pregnancy loss felt they received inadequate support or information
Pink Elephants is an organisation that supports Australian women through early pregnancy loss. They are the only national support service specific to pregnancy loss prior to 20 weeks. Their mission is to ensure that no one walks the journey of early pregnancy loss alone, and their purpose is to normalise early pregnancy loss worldwide through evidence, empathy and connection.
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. On October 14 Pink Elephants will host a fundraiser at Earp Distilling in Carrington.
Source: Pink Elephants