It's hard to believe we've reached the middle of May in Salem. If you want to know what's coming up in the next week or if need to look back at last week's episodes, we've got you covered with the Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of May 13-17.
Here are your Days of our Lives spoilers for the week of May 13, courtesy of Soap Opera News:
Monday, May 13
"Eric and Nicole have an unexpected encounter with Leo. Sloan and EJ come to terms about Jude. Jada opens up to Rafe about her past with Bobby. Stephanie and Everett reminisce about years past. Kristen questions Ava about the murders of Li and Gil."
Tuesday, May 14
"Tate wonders why Holly has been avoiding his texts. Marlena questions Brady’s feelings for Kristen. Theresa admits to Alex she wants them to be together. Rafe and Jada meet with Stefan and Kristen, who are all hopeful about clearing Gabi’s name."
Wednesday, May 15
"Eric and Nicole work on a piece about Salem’s homeless crisis. Chad discovers Abigail’s journal. Sloan confronts a drunken Leo over his revelation to EJ about the baby swap. Rafe presents his evidence and theory on Li Shin’s murder to EJ."
Thursday, May 16
"Xander orchestrates a scavenger hunt for Sarah. Maggie hints at Alex’s work neglect, and Theresa attempts to defuse tension. John and Marlena discuss the distribution of Victor’s wealth with concern over Konstantin’s reaction. Steve and Kayla chat with Jada, learning about the new evidence implicating Clyde."
Friday, May 17
"After failing to get EJ to reopen Li Shin’s murder case, Stefan seeks out Paulina for help. Steve confronts Ava about what she knows about Clyde’s whereabouts. While visiting with Jude, John offers Eric some help. Nicole tries to make amends with Holly after their Mother’s Day fight."
And in case you missed last week's episodes or need a refresher, here's what happened on Days of our Lives during the week of May 6, courtesy of Soap Opera News:
Monday, May 6
"Johnny and Chanel consider their options regarding Chanel’s pregnancy. Paulina feels guilty about the risk she may have caused to her daughter’s unborn baby. Jada and Rafe start decorating their home. Sloan tells EJ about Jude being Eric and Nicole’s baby. Everett publishes a critical article about Paulina despite Stephanie’s objections."
Tuesday, May 7
"Maggie informs Sarah, Xander, and Konstantin that Victor’s will has been probated. Theresa fears losing Alex to Kristen. Kristen flaunts her relationship with Alex to make Brady jealous. Marlena and John reveal their plan to Steve, involving Konstantin’s manipulation."
Wednesday, May 8
"Ava and Harris make a shocking discovery regarding Clyde’s black book. Johnny confides in EJ about Chanel’s pregnancy. Sloan updates Melinda on convincing EJ to stay silent. While working on a story, Eric and Nicole discuss Sloan. Aaron shows interest in Sophia while Sophia tells Holly she’d like to go to prom with Tate."
Thursday, May 9
"Maggie is shocked to learn the truth about Konstantin. Konstantin butters up Sarah as he plans to marry Maggie. Stefan agrees to assist Harris and Ava in bringing down Clyde. Xander accuses Stefan of setting him up for Harris’ shooting."
Friday, May 10
"On Mother’s Day, Chad and Thomas visit Abigail’s grave. Julie runs into Paulina, who’s upset over Chanel. Chanel asks Johnny if he wants to keep their child. Eric gives Sloan a Mother’s Day gift. Tate and Theresa enjoy brunch at the Bistro when EJ, Nicole, and Holly arrive."
New episodes of Days of our Lives stream every weekday on Peacock.