About 6000 tonnes of dirt has started going into McDonald Jones Stadium for this weekend's Australian Supercross Championship Newcastle Triple Crown.
Crews began putting the track in on Wednesday and will work up to Friday to have it ready for Saturday's event, which will feature 70 competitors.
"We started at 7am with a track walk to make sure it's all in good condition," McDonald Jones Stadium venue manager Dean Mantle said.
"Then we lay what's called a geo-fence, it's a fabric that is laid on top of the grass which helps protect it. Then directly on top of that, PVC and ply timber boards, and the dirt goes on top."
But the preparation began weeks ago to get the pitch up to standard.
"The good weather we've had has made it really easy for us," he said.
"We had the field in what I would say was almost perfect condition. It's nice and dry. There's no disease. So we're in the best possible position to come out of this with good quality.
"We've got about 20 days between the Supercross and our next game for the Jets. So we'll make an assessment and then we'll determine what we need to do.

"That could include significant renovations, it could require some level of re-turfing.
"But that's all built into the process, we're well aware of that when we take these events on."
AME Management is running the event, and general manager Ben Williams said resources had been tough to source.
"It's been interesting this year in Newcastle with a lot of local construction going on... it's actually been quite challenging to source the right dirt," he said.
"A lot of contractors are quite booked up, so finding trucks has been really challenging, but we've found some great local providers."
Australia's most successful motocross racer Chad Reed will be on hand at the event to meet fans and watch the action.
"To have him involved in the championships really adds to the credibility of our series," Mr Williams said.
"He's obviously got really strong ties to Newcastle being a Kurri boy and seeing him come back and spend time here with his family for the first time in quite some time has been awesome.
"We've got some cool stuff set up for Chad. We've got a pit party activation, where we're going to do some personal meet and greets and rider signings.
"So I feel like it's going to be a great day for the family. The weather looks amazing."