A comedian and radio host has gone public with the story of being blocked by Chris Hemsworth on Facebook (lol) after she made a joke in relation to Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus’ rocky relationship, and honestly, there’s more tea than we expected.
Comedian Nikki Osborne told the story on her Nova 106.9 radio show, revealing how she flirted up a storm with the elder Hemsworth at a Melbourne charity event in the 2000s, leading to the two exchanging Facebook info. (For all our Gen Z readers, trust the millennials in the team when they say that was a big deal back in the day.)
“I think he was quite flirtatious. It felt like he was flirting with me…in my head, I’m going ‘Oh, it’s just another Home & Away himbo,” Osborne recalled to co-hosts Ashley Bradnam and David ‘Luttsy’ Lutteral.
“We did exchange Facebook friend requests, that was back when it was private.
“When you could only have 5000 people, there were no public pages yet.
“And so we just became friends on Facebook!”
However, Osborne revealed she was later blocked by Thor for making a joke about Liam and Miley, whose on-and-off relationship spanned almost a decade.
“There was trouble in the press between Liam and Miley,” she continued.
“There was trouble in paradise, and then Chris posted on his private page saying, ‘there’s nothing worse than watching someone you love make the same mistakes over and over’.
“So because I’m an idiot I wrote: ‘Ebola. I reckon Ebola’s worse’, because there was an Ebola breakout – topical – I thought I was being funny!”

Osborne said Hemsworth’s response was to delete and block her as a friend, which in 2025 terms is probably the equivalent of blocking someone’s Instagram, TikTok and number. In other words: mildly devastating, particularly if you were hoping to bone the hot celebrity in question.
“He blocked me…I got unfriended.
“It was probably a little insensitive.
“This is why comedians end up miserable and alone, because they go for the joke instead of the considered, considerate response.”

When Ash and Luttsy joked that she could have been Hemsworth’s wifey in another life, she said her husband “foiled” her plans on getting with him anyway since he was with Osborne at the event – and were dating at the time.
“Now we were talking about Hemsworth yesterday, which then ended up in the papers, and what could have been if my husband hadn’t rudely interrupted our conversation.
“It’s very Sliding Doors isn’t it?”
“I know it’s your husband, but it’s a bit rude!” Bradnam said.
“Can you just give me 10 minutes here, just to see where it goes?”
While it’s funny Osborne was essentially blocked, the REAL delicious bit here is that Chris Hemsworth was posting through Liam and Miley’s relationship breakdown like your average Tumblr user and/or average hometown millennial on Facebook.
Truly, Nikki doll, thank you for this treat!
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