The rising waters of the Musi River forced the closure of four bridges in Narsingi area, isolating communities in the Manchirevula area. The service roads between Exit 27 of Outer Ring Road and Narsingi Police Station have also been closed after waters from the river rose on Tuesday night.
“We closed the bridge at 8 p.m. There were no street lights in the area and we had to shoo away the residents of the villas when they wanted to drive across,” informed a police official guarding the barricades at one of the bridges.
Only the bridges on Outer Ring Road and Tipu Khan Bridge are open to traffic in the downstream area of Osmansagar Lake. Four bridges, including the Royal Function Hall Bridge, Manchirevula bridge and the two bridges on service road, have been closed. The affected communities include Gandamguda, Bairaguda and Manchirevula.
Many upscale apartments and villas have come up in the area surrounding Ghar-e-Mubarak.