There is nothing I love more than a good scroll. It’s something I leave until late at night, when my brain is at its lowest operational capacity and only has stamina to stomach little TikToks with one eye open as my mind begs me to turn your phone off, Chris, for the love of God, can’t you see how much you want to sleep right now, the internet will be here tomorrow please let me rest.
As the day’s hours slip away, so too does my ability to absorb more substantial content. I’ll start my day trying to read something, then maybe watch a TV series – but by 2pm it is YouTube only, and after my big carb-loaded dinner, I’m riding Instagram and TikTok till I pass out. So with that, here are the best things I’ve seen on the internet so far.
1. Parks and Recreation: the ice rink scene
When I watched this episode of Parks and Rec on my phone at an airport, I howled with laughter so loudly that people moved seats to get further away from me. One of the biggest airport laughs of my life.
2. TikTok: “Ahhh” girl
This arrived to TikTok this week and I simply love it. One girl hurts her back, makes a funny noise, and the rest of the internet mock her tirelessly for it. What a community we’ve built!
3. Caitlin Reily: “Actress on Instagram who is ‘writing a book’”
Caitlin Reilly is actually the best in the game. Her character videos are so accurate that you feel personally attacked every time, even if you aren’t an actor who is writing a book. She is single-handedly taking down LA hustle culture and I love her for it.
4. TikTok: Maddie Grace Jepson’s account
Maddie is so wildly funny to me and I just don’t know why. She has harnessed the insane energy we have when we are alone in our houses for too long and want to entertain ourselves. Her videos kind of make no sense at all – and yet, they are so deeply relatable.
Guy Montgomery is a dear friend who I’ve been living with for an entire month during the Melbourne international comedy festival. Every night before I sleep, he comes into my room and performs this entire routine to me before I sleep and it never ceases to make me laugh.
6. Jenny Slate on her love for midnight mass
I loved Slate’s Netflix special Stage Fright, but this was my favourite part by far, and I’m so glad it’s a little fun clip on YouTube so I can watch it daily.
7. Alistair Green on Instagram
Each time I watch an Alistair Green video, I gasp first – and then watch them again to laugh. They feel so real, and always seem to be satirising the most painful men in our society. He honestly should be locked up for his videos – they’re so funny they feel illegal.
8. Thomas Sainsbury at Club Car Alarm
Thomas is one of my dear friends and lifelong collaborators, and I would love to take this opportunity, writing in Guardian Australia, to share a video of him dancing to a car alarm.
9. TikTok: Gay men gasping
A quick little one now to break things up. Is there a better sound than three gay men all gasping in unison together?
10. TikTok: Spider-Man fail
I feel like a bully for sharing this one, but I just love the story behind this video, and the conversation that would have followed.
Chris Parker: Gentle Man is on at Melbourne international comedy festival until 24 April, then at the Sydney comedy festival on 19 and 20 May.