For a few days there it looked like there may be a changing of the guards in the AFC West. But it was short lived. In the end, it was more of the same. And once again, for the 8th season in a row, the Chiefs will win the AFC West.
When the Chiefs lost to the Raiders on Christmas Day, it opened the door for the Raiders or the Broncos to come up and take the division. All that needed to happen was for the Chiefs to lose the next two games.
First up was the Bengals.
For a time there, it looked like the Bengals might win it. They jumped out to a 17-7 lead and held the lead through three quarters. But the Chiefs crept back in it. Six straight field goals gave them a 25-17 lead in the final minutes. The Bengals needed to put together a touchdown drive and didn’t come close.
Bengals QB Jake Browning was sacked four times, setting up 4th and 27 and the hail mary attempt was knocked down to give the Chiefs the win and clinch the AFC West title.
It also renders the season finale for the Broncos and Raider meaningless for anything but pride as both teams have been eliminated from playoff contention.