In astrology, when making predictions about the future leaders of a country who are set to be chosen by the people, two things are most important (i) logical progression, and (ii) the current planetary transit positions.
At the time of my research, I was pleasantly surprised to note that ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was born in 1949, while the current prime minister, Prayut Chan-o-cha, was born in 1954. These dates suggest it was a logical progression for them to become national leaders.
For this election, will Gen Prayut be able to overcome the challenges of other candidates, or will someone new take the helm? It is worth bearing in mind there has been a huge planetary transit happening since 2019-2020. Planet Shiva, the lord of recreation, regeneration and transformation, has moved into exaltation after almost 200 years.
I will first eliminate, using astrology, those candidates who have less chance of winning this election or leading the country. Keep in mind that I don't know their exact time of birth, so my calculations are based on their date of birth as cited in Wikipedia.
PAETONGTARN SHINAWATRA, the Pheu Thai Party's No.1 prime ministerial candidate: Astrologically speaking, she has no chance of winning the election because she is too young as per the tenets of logical progression; secondly, the 7th house in her birth chart, which is most important to win over her opponents/enemies, is not that strong. Hence it will be difficult for her to get elected.
JURIN LAKSANAWISIT, the Democrat Party's leader and prime ministerial candidate: He also has a slimmer chance of being elected to lead the country. His weak planet, Saturn, is currently in a weak position, and there is no positive transit happening. That would make clinching the role of prime minister very difficult.
GEN PRAYUT, the United Thai Nation Party's PM candidate: His 7th house lord just moved to the 8th house, while his relatively weak 4th house is currently in transit. He, too, might not make it this time.
ANUTIN CHARNVIRAKUL, Bhumjaithai's leader and PM candidate: He has a great chart, actually. He could become the potential winner. But astrologically, I would eliminate him as he was born on a "No Moon" day, which will make it difficult for him to cross the line.
That leaves the two candidates I feel have the highest chance of success.
PITA LIMJAROENRAT, the Move Forward Party's leader and PM candidate: Planet Shiva moved to his 9th house of luck while Planet Brahma, the lord of creation, is also in a very strong position, which has given him a very high chance of winning the election.
Only Saturn is weak in his birth chart. It is in transit and currently in a state of debilitation, which could make it hard for him to win any major public event.
SRETTHA THAVISIN, Pheu Thai's No.2 PM candidate: Astrologically speaking, the favourite contender is Mr Srettha. He has a fabulous chart. Right now, Jupiter is exalted and transiting in his 7th house, which indicates a win over competitors in the political field. Also, Planet Kubera, the lord of wealth, is coming to his 9th house of luck, and will stay there for the next four years. The strongest planet, Shiva, the lord of transformation and regeneration, is currently transiting in his 4th house, which indicates the country or place in which he stays.
These combinations make Mr Srettha the favourite to win the election.
Joydiip Mukkarji is a Scientific Astrologer residing in Bangkok. The views expressed are his own. The content in no way conveys the thoughts, sentiments or opinions of this newspaper.
In a world where uncertainties often dominate, astrology has garnered interest and application in predicting the outcomes of major competitions and events, ranging from sports and wars to politics. As the upcoming election approaches, the Bangkok Post is publishing below a thought-provoking analysis of Vedic astrology -- a time-honoured tradition that traces its origins back thousands of years.
It is important to emphasise that this astrological perspective aims to provide insight into the potential outcomes based solely on astrological knowledge, devoid of any political analysis or influencing factors, without any intention of guiding or swaying voters' decisions. Instead, readers are encouraged to exercise their discretion and judgement as they embark on this fascinating journey.